Merit Scholarship Chances

<p>I was wondering how competitive the merit scholarships are, specifically the Leadership and Trustee Scholarships. Average ACT/SAT, GPA, extra curriculars, etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>Apply EA not RD! I think the scholarships aren’t formulaic nor too predictable (just like admissions), but obviously high scores, GPA, leadership positions, and maybe minority status help. CC is test-flexible, so I only submitted 3 of the 4 ACT subsections (35,35,34). You can read the rest of my stats if you look through my other posts (received the Trustee one btw). I can’t tell you how competitive the scholarships are but they are definitely not the most generous (Leadership is $10,000, Trustee is $7,000). The CDS for 2011-2012 says that 142 of 484 freshmen received non need based aid (excluding athletics and outside scholarships). Hope this helps. Good luck!</p>