Merit Scholarship for an international

Hello. Good to see you all getting accepted! You go get it!

It seems I have a slight problem. I applied under EA in November with a 1380 score, taken in 2019. I wanted to give the SAT again, but the corona situation didn’t let me do so until December this year, after the deadlines. I fortunately got a good score (1520). But I am not sure if Howard will consider the previous score or the new one for merit scholarship consideration. If they do, FWIK, they have been giving presidential scholarships for 1500+, including some of my seniors, which amounts to almost full-ride.

What are the chances that I get a similar scholarship? Im specifically asking for an international perspective here. I can pay up to 13K or 14K, but that’ll be strenuous for my family. And tbh, I could also get some other good unis for CS if I am lucky. Hence, I am only ready to commit to Howard if I get good Merit aid. But still, it is now of my top choice cause my relative live nearby in NY.

From an insider perspective, what do you say? Can I expect similar scholarships?

Thanks in advance! And please reply if you know anything cause Im very stressed.

PS: ppl who know me irl, plss don’t judge

With competitive scholarships, you can’t expect. You can apply and submit the new score.
You don’t have to commit until you have the full financial aid package from the different universities that admitted you, so no need to commit anywhere for now - you have till May 1. If you applied ED, you don’t have to attend if the FA doesn’t make it affordable (it’s the only “out” from an ED contract).
Same thing everywhere else you applied.
If you haven’t already, apply to UTD with that score (excellent for CS and good scholarships).

Why is it so? Is it because I am late? Or is it bc the score’s not good enough, or perhaps because I am an international? Or, perhaps, they give out fewer scholarships these days?

It was Early Action

And thanks for the UTD suggestion!

No (although there may be a “first arrived/first served” issue if they run out of money) - but rather because with competitive scholarships, you don’t know what the competition is!

UPDATE: HU office of admissions have said that they won’t even consider my new score! smh. what should I do friends? Howard is my top choice, but I’m increasingly thinking about not enrolling now.

Use your new score at other universities that will consider it.

If Howard is not affordable you have to let go of your top choice and switch to affordable possobilities.