merit scholarships

<p>I will give Purdue credit for being on top of the social networks. However, the parents page is quite depressing right now as parents are posting that they have given up hope of receiving merit scholarships and have to tell their kids they can’t go there.</p>

what parents page are you talking about? I too have given up hope for my son to get a scholarship. I spoke to admissions two days ago. They did say that the last of the merit scholarships were mailed out on Tuesday. Now that it is Friday I have realized that my son will not be getting one.</p>

<p>They have a page on Facebook for families of “future students”, search Purdue families and you should find it. The admissions dept rep on there is insistent that all the letters went out on the 15th/16th, however there are parents posting that they’ve received letters dated after that as late as yesterday that were postmarked the 22nd. It all seems like headgames! My son has already been accepted to 3 other schools and is still waiting on 2 others. Purdue needs to convince me to send my tuition dollars to them, so far they are FAiLING!</p>

<p>yes – go to Facebook and check the Parent Page for Families of New Purdue Students. They have to admit you into the group, so I am not sure if the postings are public unless you are in the group.</p>

<p>We are IS and daughter would have received an $8000 scholarship two years ago…this year nothing. It is frustrating not knowing how the money was awarded. The process seems so subjective. She has generous scholarships elsewhere, so will be hard-pressed to send her to Purdue.</p>

<p>Never give up hope completely! Last year my S, currently a freshman in the FYE program, was in this same exact situation. He had worked his hind end off from freshman yr. through May of his Jr. year and had met the qualifications for the Trustees’ scholarship, only to see it all changed June 1 after 3 yrs. of hard work. You can imagine the phone call I made to Purdue about that one!! Then, after still hoping for ANY scholarship, was told by an admissions counselor on our “Purdue’s for Me” campus visit in mid-Feb. that he had not received one or it would show on her computer screen. Made for a very bittersweet 18th b-day a couple days later! We were also told Engr. is the hardest dept. to get a scholarship in due to the competition, and they were also some of the last ones to hear. Well…you can imagine our surprise about a month later when we got the mail and there WAS a Presidential scholarship. After being told the Engr. dept gave them out for the full $8000 or nothing, despite the stated $4000-8000 range, our S DID receive one! I casually asked the next time we were up there, and was told the Engr. dept. went back and looked at IS candidates because not enough IS were given out originally. So…NEVER give up hope! You never know!!</p>

<p>I got mine like 2 weeks after my acceptance JSYK</p>


<p>Are you OOS and what $ amount was your award</p>

<p>Kind of joining you late on this. I would agree with the relentless marketing. Too much money in that direction and I can’t help but feel like they would care less once the student has accepted the offer. Does anyone know how students from west coast are treated there?</p>

<p>i’m from FL and I received a Trustee’s of $16K per year, and I heard about it in December. Maybe not many FL applicants? I’m going in to engineering next year, too.</p>

<p>Oh, and by the way, I would say being a female applying for the Engineering program definitely gives one an advantage. We saw this last year when the scholarships were handed out, and again this year when co-op positions were offered. Have been told that Purdue has pushed to increase its female engineering students by 33%, and I believe it! Commonly see “Women in Engineering” programs, etc. advertised. Being a woman and a mother, I totally understand the need for more female engineers, but is sometimes very frustrating! Sometimes seems about the worst thing one can be for scholarships and job offers is a white male!</p>

<p>Just a suggestion: has anyone called after May 1 (decision/deadline day) to enquire if there was any money available? I know my son declined a Purdue Pres scholarship (because he’s going somewhere else), and I’m sure there are many others who have done similarly.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if Purdue does front-loading for their scholarships? I got a nice fin. aid package and want to know if I’ll get that next year too.</p>