Miami Class of 2017

<p>Ok. I give up. Now I am hungry and cranky! Maybe we can ask Temple Grandin to do it. She figured out away to get those cattle to move quickly into the slaughter house, maybe she can get those adcoms to be move faster!</p>

<p>wannago, i got the same url. Is anybody getting a different one?</p>

<p>Dindune - Donna Shalala’s mom is there? That’s awesome - do you know how old she is? 100 or 101?</p>

<p>mine is the same as well!</p>

<p>I have the same thing. Don’t look into it too much and be patient for the decisions. 9 pm?</p>

<p>Wannago231, I just checked and mine says the same thing</p>

<p>i am dying! I don’t want to go out tonight until I know, it would be the worst to hear bad news around a ton of people!</p>

<p>Where did you guys hear from that they are releasing results tonight? The web says early feb doesn’t mean tonight. I’m very anxious, yet I don’t want to keep waiting if they aren’t real sing tonight… :(</p>

<p>The website says February 1st, and everyone that has talked to people in the admissions office has said “sometime today”</p>

<p>Not sure of Donna’s mom’s age…I am sure that answer is on google! Perhaps he got a picture of her, too! </p>

<p>Oh, I feel for all of you. Hopefully this waiting will be but a dim memory in time.</p>

<p>Donna’s mom’s name is Edna. Donna was born in 1941 (and has a twin sister!). So her mother had to be born 1920? Before? Thanks for giving me something to do to take my mind off being tortured by admissions.</p>

<p>This is awful. I was really expecting an update when I got home from school. (I live on the west coast)</p>

<p>Wow…so she is probably in her 90’s! It was my plan to give you something to do! How did you guess? Fun facts about Donna Shalala…find out who her guest speaker was in her class on President’s day last February…then, if you are really clever, find out who the other famous people were who visited the U in the week or two before or after…
Have fun!</p>

<p>Someone said they called admissions and the lady told them that the decisions would be released today. So let’s hope for the best, hopefully its sometime soon!!</p>

<p>I was accepted!!</p>

<p>She’s 101. I remember reading that President Shalala had left town to go to her mother’s birthday party last year. Some genetics in that family!</p>

<p>My page doesn’t show an admissions decision yet…</p>

<p>Mine doesn’t show a decision yet either…</p>

<p>No decision yet for me either.</p>

<p>Oh okay good. So I’m not the only one.</p>