Miami Class of 2017

<p>As long as they don’t look at my weight we’re all good :)</p>

<p>Beware of posters who have no history on the thread, or on CC for that matter</p>

<p>Hahaha jozuko!</p>

<p>My sister-in-law’s husband’s mother’s friend that lives behind her works as a custodian in the lab across the street from the admissions office and she took out the trash this morning and saw an official looking memo that said that decisions would be posted later today after the staff finished eating pizza in batches of 333 in alphabetical order by first name of your most beloved pet and if you don’t have a pet, then you won’t get a decision until… next week. :D</p>

<p>snorkelmom: Thank you SO MUCH for the laugh!</p>

<p>Much needed laugh in this time of great anxiety</p>

<p>I came home from work expecting this board to have exploded with great news! Such a letdown…I am crossing fingers for all of you! Just wanted you to know that my son, a senior, just texted that he is at the Bank United Center at the U in the 2nd row waiting for Justice Sotomayor to speak and sitting next to Donna Shalala’s mom! He was given a free copy of Sotomayor’s book, too! So cool…only at the U! He also attended Temple Grandin’s talk last night at the BUC as well…The U is the place to be! Wish I could roll back time!</p>

<p>just want to share that my back hurts, my knees are getting stiff and I am hungry, but I am not moving for at least the next 4 minutes. Once 6:00 comes, I am going to get up…or maybe I will just give it a few more minutes!!!</p>

<p>anyone? results???</p>

<p>Okay, so I made up the part about the pizza. I don’t know what they ordered in and maybe its taking longer to eat dinner.</p>

<p>That is very cool about Donna Shalala’s mom sitting beside him… I’ll bet if she were in the admission’s office, this process might run more efficiently!</p>

<p>6:02. Nothing. I’m guessing 9pm is the right time as someone said above.</p>

<p>DinDune can you ask your son to ask Donna Shalala’s mom to tell her daughter to release those lists already!</p>

<p>I just checked and nothing is up yet! The stress is building!</p>

<p>tick tock tick tock</p>

<p>Dear God I’m still in Kohls. Clothes shopping with my husband is sheer torture. And STILL nothing on MyUM.</p>

<p>Nothing yet…</p>

<p>Snorkelmom, you are right. If Donna were in there, she’d be all over this process! She is one cool lady! </p>

<p>Glass of wine anyone?</p>

<p>Mom. I suggest you have H take you to dinner and order a bottle of wine. ;)</p>

<p>On myUM, when I click on “view you admissions information”. The URL shows /admission/acceptance/admissions_status.asp</p>

<p>Did I get accepted, or is this indicative of everybody?</p>

<p>Snorkel–That was hysterical! Thanks!</p>