Miami Univ Presidential Fellows 2025

Thank you! I’m not really expecting anything out of it as my interview didn’t go too well but it would be nice to just hear something from them. I’ll let you know if I hear anything! One more thing - I believe the accepted fellows were called by phone last year for the good news so that may stay the same this year. Good luck to your son!

Oh interesting, I didn’t know about a phone call. Thanks for the additional info!

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Hi sorry for the late message, but has anyone heard anything yet?

Someone on Reddit was texted about half an hour ago to set up a call with the president through their portal. Looks like they got it

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program director** not president

My student is a Presidential Fellow and there was no change in her status online until after she had been formally notified. Best wishes!

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We assumed an email would have gone out today with decisions because that’s what the letter stated after the competition weekend.
I’m assuming those who haven’t heard anything today have not been selected. Which is fine, but they should’ve really let the finalists know either way by today.


I totally agree. I spent this whole day waiting for any kind of contact from them and still haven’t heard anything. It really is frustrating but I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Good luck to your son with any other schools! We’ll all end up where we belong :slight_smile:

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I hear ya, checking all the different forums all day. Several others haven’t heard either from the Facebook Miami group. The admin of the group who works in admissions said he’s looking into it and will let us all know soon. Sounds like no one had heard anything in regards to Pres Fellows. It is what it is!


Did anyone get a call? They said they would be calling all the finalists today but I never heard anything.

I haven’t heard anything either but I wouldn’t be surprised if the call just came later in the day. Either way sounds like we’d know by now if we were selected.

My son still hasn’t heard a peep :thinking:

He did mention one kid he met through the showcase, received a call around 1:30(I believe ET), with the decision he did not receive PFP.

I actually just got a call from my admissions counselor about not getting it. I bet each admissions counselor is making the calls in their own time. I’m sure the call is on its way for you guys. It was a fun ride! All the best!

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Oh, and it was mentioned that my scholarship offer was increased by $2k and that I should see it in the portal sometime soon.


Good luck with your decision!

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My daughter the same…nada… She jokingly said is it against the law for them not to tell us when they said we would know by March 15…and by does not mean after.

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Ha! :laughing:…My son didn’t get it either. It will all work out in the end!


Has anyone else still not received a call? I’m starting to think I won’t hear back tonight.

We haven’t heard here in Pennsylvania. D very disappointed. Doesn’t expect to get it but thought she would know yes or no yesterday.

As she said to me only 80 finalists for Miami’s biggest scholarship and they can’t have the courtesy to let people know on their own pre-determined deadline.