Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

The first accepted student tours start on the 25th, probably so students are on campus then. Here’s the link for accepted student tours:

The waiting is tough. I would not have thought if you applied Early Action you would still be waiting to hear a week into the new year. I wonder if the changes for test optional has created a massive amount of extra applications with people just testing the waters? They may have a lot more people accepted but not taking the offer this year, which will make it difficult to calculate offers.

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I think that they moved the ea deadline back from past years, as I believe it was either Nov. 1 or Nov. 15 before, which would also probably explain the delay of release for decisions. I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure they did.

Or, they are spending more time giving the apps a holistic review. Hence the longer wait times.

My daughter applied very early to Miami (August? Early September?) and was among the first decisions released. It would make sense that they started reading those earlier apps first and made decisions, and have continued reading as the apps came in. If someone who hasn’t heard back applied that early…I’d be really frustrated, too.

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According to Miami they are releasing decisions around the 15th of each month, so the next group is coming up on Jan 15

Miami has said that it’s release day for EA is Jan. 15. So unless you get deferred, if you applied EA, you should hear by next Friday. This would be consistent with years past, as they generally have had one release date for ED and one for EA.

This makes sense. I think one of my kids heard on a set date two years ago, while another one of my kids heard in December in 2014 which was way before the EA date, so like other schools, they must be going back and forth on what they do.

My son this year heard unexpectedly in December, but he only applied in October, so no idea why he heard in that batch when others didn’t.

My daughter is in the group that has not yet received her admission decision from Miami, however, when we click on the link above (information for admitted students), I was able to access the site. The site reflected her information (name and email address) and congratulated her on her admission to Miami. We also were able to sign up for an in person tour of the campus for admitted students. Not sure if we are reading into this too much, but I’m assuming this is a good sign that she will get good news from Miami this week.


My son is in the same situation, and when we clicked on the above linke and had to enter his application log in, we also received a message congratulating him. Fingers crossed that this is good news for your daughter and my son!

Where did you have to put in your log in info? When I clicked on the link it just said a generic congrats but there was no log in required. Did I miss something?

Congratulations! Which link did you click? Thank you!

I did not apply but still received the congratulations message when I clicked on the link. Please don’t get your hopes up.

The congratulations message is on there because you are looking at the accepted student tours and is on there for anyone who clicks it, it’s just assuming since you viewed the specific page for admitted students that you are admitted, and has nothing to do with an actual decision.

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There was a generic “congratulations” message, but when I clicked on a specific date to schedule a tour it asks for your login info, and then it showed my son’s name and said Congratulations

After the generic congratulations message you get from the above link, when you click on a specific date to schedule a tour it asked for my son’s login info. After I entered that it showed his name and said Congratulations. I’m not going to show this to my son in case there is an error, but it still makes me hopeful


Interesting! Hopefully that means he got in, and maybe we found a sneaky way to check acceptance? Who knows

From the admissions rep on the admitted student parent page, here are some pertinent upcoming dates (in addition to the ones mentioned above):

January 15: Confirmation deadline for early decision students

Mid-January: Bridges and Wiicinakosioni scholarship letters updated

January 22: Presidential Fellows Program finalists letters released

January 25: Presidential Fellows Program finalists emails released

February 1: FAFSA priority filing deadline

Mid-February - Mid-March: Prodesse scholarships and Governor’s Scholarships information released

Mid-March: Orientation registration becomes available

Mid-March: Final financial aid letters released

March 15: All honors programs decisions released by this date

May 1: Confirmation deadline for early action and regular decision applicants

They have all dates for everything coming up through August, but these are the ones that are most important right now.


Thank you. Can you provide a link to that page?

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2 more days! fingers crossed…

Merit Scholarships, 2021 High School Graduates (ACT/SAT is not required) Weighted High
School GPA 1 Ohio Resident Annual Value 2 Non-Resident Annual Value 2
3.95+ $13,000 to Full Tuition $21,000 to Full Tuition
3.75-3.94 $7,000 to $12,000 $16,000 to $20,000
3.60-3.74 $4,000 to $6,000 $11,000 to $15,000
3.50-3.59 $1,000 to $3,000 $5,000 to $10,000

I’m still so surprised they not only pushed the EA date back but haven’t released anything early except for a handful of kids. My daughter’s application was complete 11/2 - its a long wait!

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