Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

My daughter hasn’t. She struggled with the word count on the essay. It wasn’t her best. I don’t think she got in.

It was a long essay and not a typical prompt. My son struggled as well. I’m sure many did.

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applied for gender studies
decision received Jan 22.

GPA UNW(4.0/4.0)
GPA W (5/4.0)
14 Ap’s
passed all exams

Act 36
Math: 36
English: 35
Reading: 36
Science: 36

Sat: 1590
Math: 750 English: 800

Great recs, essay about diversity and commitment to social reform.
3 varsity sports, captain of all. President of NHS, Marching band, Spanish club, key club, and link crew. Worked a job for 3 years, manager of a local diner.

I’m sorry you were rejected. That makes no sense to me given your stellar stats.

I think the AO did not have confidence to admit you as you are way above the average line.

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This must be the reason. YOur stats are stellar.

Did you show interest in the school – visit, do the virtual events, request information? Schools put stock in the yield rate. If it looks like you are applying just to apply and have no intention of attending, then they might reject. It’s a bit like breaking up with someone before they break up with you.

If you really want to go there, reach out to them.


Perhaps the rejected poster is posting under the wrong thread. This is the thread for the public school Miami University in Oxford, Oh which does not have a gender studies major.

University of Miami, a private school in Florida does have gender studies and meets need. Perhaps the financial aid needed was not within that school’s budget to make an offer.


That person also posted the same exact thing on University of Chicago’s board which I am following since my daughter applied there as well. So that post seems a little fishy.


oops, I guess Miami, Oh does have gender studies under the “W” for women’s…
Nevertheless, the Ohio publics have predictable results, as long as deadlines are met, so an odd post indeed.

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So this same person said anything about admission to U of Chicago?

Declined and the same post with all of the stats.

Maybe a robot user :grinning:


That person is what’s called a ■■■■■ or as reddit likes to call it a sh*tpost

I just realized that their post also says they received their decision on Jan. 22nd, so it’s definitely fake, since all the decisions for EA have been made by the 15th and the RD deadline is Feb. 1st, so no RD decisions have been released yet

Although all domestic applicants were notified by January 15th, international applicants are to be notified under rolling admission. Hence, the post does not have to be fake.


International admissions is a completely different ball game. Ohio State is need aware for international students, so Miami may be as well. It seems harsh, but it keeps international students focused on their viable offers - the ones they would actually be able to accept and get a visa for because it falls within the financial support they can document.

We received an email this afternoon congratulating my daughter on being selected for the Prodesse Scholars program, which had already been noted in her acceptance letter. Can we infer from this that she did not get into the Honors College or get selected to move forward in the Presidential Fellows Program process? Did anyone else receive a notification today regarding their application to the Honors College or Presidential Scholarship? Thanks!

All Presidential emails went out on Monday, so if your daughter did not get that email, she was not selected. I can’t speak to the Honors College, sorry.

Thank you for confirming.

We got an email tonight stating my daughter did not get chosen as Presidential Fellows finalist. No word on honors however…