Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

What is the best part of being a Presidential Fellow (beyond the scholarship)?
Can you be happy at Miami and not be part of the Greek system?

I was curious about the same. My hunch is with the increased applications because of test optional that they used the minimum of that range for all of the in-state students because they needed to award so much more money this year and they know even with the minimum award level they are staying comfortably under the COA of the state flagship (OSU).

I have the exact same question as my sonā€™s choice of the games + simulation major said ā€œpendingā€ on his acceptance letter as well. I was worried perhaps his portfolio didnā€™t go through (although we had an email confirming receipt) so I reached out to the admissions staff, who were incredibly responsive. She checked and assured me his application was complete and they just needed more time to do their reviews. So frustrating as I feel we canā€™t really celebrate until we have that information!

You can get full tuition, room and board plus an overage that comes out to about 5,000 if you are awarded that much through the school. There is a capped amount based on COA. The amount is split between two semesters for refund. You have to pay taxes on scholarships over a certain amount. I donā€™t think outside private scholarships paid directly to student count in what the school can give.

I believe recent stats show Greeks at about 30% of student body. Miami has so many opportunities that you truly donā€™t have to be Greek to be involved and make friends. If anyone is bored and disconnected, during normal times, I truly think it is on them. Even during COVID they still have so many ways to connect.

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I agree! I found this on the Department of Emerging Technology in Business + Designā€™s website re: notification:
For high school students admitted to Miami, application decisions will be communicated 2 weeks prior to the Miami admission confirmation dates. So does that mean 2 weeks prior to May 1?? I canā€™t imagine they would notify that late.

Oh wow - that would be incredibly rough if we have to wait that long! We signed up for an admitted students event in mid-February so will ask then too and see if we can get a better sense of the timelineā€¦

Thank you!

Did a tour yesterday. Very well organized. Daughter didnā€™t love nor hate Miamiā€¦had no spark. Mainly because itā€™s not in a city and the street nearby is lacking with businesses. As a dad, I like sorority rush isnā€™t until Spring and the sororities donā€™t have houses. As many people on the board have said theyā€™ve receive the Prodessee I asked - and they said very few are out. They come later with Honors. My daughter has 21K. But if any of you are like us and havenā€™t heard back, itā€™s not over yet.


I was talking with one of the admissions counselors about only receiving the minimum for my GPA range, and she said almost everyone is only being rewarded the minimum for each range. To all of the students in my situation, donā€™t be afraid to NEGOTIATE. If you are a top earning student who is being offered a better deal somewhere else, leverage that. There are instructions on how to do this on the Common App. :slight_smile:


Also on last years threads people who were admitted but not committed posted they got an unsolicited bump in merit money in April.

My son got the top amount for his GPA (he was also at the top of the bracket and very close to the next level for his GPA). However, we were also in contact with his admissions counselor about scholarships since last spring and kept in contact as there were issues with getting credit for DE classes on the SRAR and some other things. The admissions counselor told us in the summer/fall that they have the ability to advocate for their students in the allocation of scholarships and that she would push for more money for my student. So yes, itā€™s possible to get more money for sure.

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I spoke with someone in the admissions office this morning and was told that additional merit is unlikely this year due to the large number of applications received with ā€œvery high GPAā€™sā€ and that merit money was tight this year. Financial Aid packages may include university grants and will be released in March. The Miami tuition guarantee is a plus for sure.

Random question, but looking for insight. Any school can be a party school, right? And, itā€™s all in who you affiliate yourself with. But, itā€™s concerning to me that on Niche, Miami is listed as #16 in the top party schools of America. That surprised me, based on what Iā€™ve learned about the university so far. Under rankings on Niche, youā€™ll often see, ā€œBest colleges for Businessā€ or ā€œBest College Athleticsā€. For those more familiar, is this known as a ā€œparty schoolā€ as shown on Niche?

I live in Cincinnati, and have a lot of friends that have kids that go there. My kids also have a good number of friends that go there. Yes, they definitely do hit it hard up there with the partying! A few years ago they had a lot of incidents with kids over doing it to the point where they ended up in the hospital, or worse. But that being said, I think there are a lot of kids there that are normal and know their limits. Like you said, itā€™s really who you affiliate yourself with. If you child is mature and responsible, they would be fine. I think any state school located in a rual small town full of college bars, college town restaurants, and greek life, are going to be party schools. House parties are big up there. Itā€™s an awesome school with a great Business School. Itā€™s a beautiful campus that is very clean. They have spent millions of dollars updating dorms and renovating buildings over the past 5-6 years. My child applied and got in, itā€™s just not at the top of her list becasue its ā€œtoo close to homeā€. They also give a nice amout of merit money for a good test score and GPA.



As the parent of a Miami student I can tell you that partying exists if a student wants that, but thereā€™s so much more to Miami. And there are plenty of offerings for students who arenā€™t into the party scene.

Additionally, Miami has truly gone above and beyond during this whole Covid business to provide opportunities for students to connect. Weā€™ve been pleased, and just as important, so is our child.



Agree with everything you said.

I would simply add that college and partying seem to go together, but for the kid who wants something else, they can certainly find it at Miami.

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Iā€™m the parent of a second-year OOS Miami student. Heā€™s in Honors and Scholars (formerly UASP, now Prodesse); heā€™s an RA in one of the Honors dorms; and heā€™s pursuing a double major, a minor, as well as a Masterā€™s.

He was a PF finalist in the inaugural class, and while he didnā€™t get it, Miami awarded him $41k/year in renewable merit. Coupled with the RA gig, heā€™s home free on the money end of things, which is why heā€™s making hay regarding the degrees.

Heā€™s studied abroad in Luxembourg (MUDEC), and heā€™s currently applying for an Undergraduate Summer Scholars fellowship for this summer.

If you have questions about anything Miami, please post here and Iā€™ll do my best to answer fairly and honestly.


@buckeyeinbama I totally agree that Miami is so much more than a party school. My student is a PF and felt totally comfortable choosing Miami. There is truly something for everyone. I doubt there are many schools that have more extracurricular activities than MU. From quidditch to sailing to horseback riding and hiking or every academics club imaginable plus arts, environmental, issues, fashion, gaming, and so on. It is a public school that has a private feel. I canā€™t wait for my FD to get to fully experience it . COVID has hampered a lot, but the students are still thriving.



Congratulations to your child for being selected as a Presidential Fellow!

What many may not know is Miami used the Jefferson at UVA as their model for the PF.

You are absolutely correct on all counts regarding Miami. Thereā€™s so much on offer for the student whoā€™s proactive and chooses to grab the brass ring.

I neglected to mention in my earlier post that even during the time of COVID, my second-year is more than half-way through a 6-month remote internship. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, and this is a substantive internship.

No regrets choosing Miami.