Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

So great that even during the pandemic , they could do an internship. These young adults will be so resilient!

Thank you @buckeyeinbama! It has been a blessing.

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Does anyone know a date for RD?

Hereā€™s a question for you. My daughter and I visited the other week. I loved it. Of course, Iā€™m not the student. My daughter thought it was fine - but she didnā€™t feel a spark. When I say spark, she most felt at home at College of Charleston, Colorado, American, and U of SC. What she desires is a town - where she can eat at different types of restaurants, etc. What we saw - what Miami hyped - was the one small street with the Bagel and Deli - which we ate and was very good. Did we miss something? Was there more to the town? She doesnā€™t want a school in the middle of nowhere (and she thinks 40 mins from Cincy is nowhere). She got such a good offer and may even get into Honors but Iā€™m afraid we wonā€™t end up there. Unfortunately, College of Charleston is her favorite and sheā€™s a top scholar and interviewing for extra scholarships - but their overall merit is not very good - they max at $12K of $34K. But fit wise it seems strong. Iā€™m just looking for a ā€œconnectionā€ to Miami for herā€¦or perhaps, if itā€™s not the right school, itā€™s not the right school.

The merit aid is soooo appealing, and itā€™s a pretty campus, but you are so right ā€“ itā€™s small town and not easily accessible to big city. Cincy is a cool city, but itā€™s winding roads to get there.

Itā€™s still in consideration for my son, but Iā€™m pretty certain he will choose elsewhere.

I wish my son had applied to American, my alma mater. DC was such a great city for that time in my life. :slight_smile:

Weā€™re going this weekend to visit. Itā€™s going to be brutally cold, but hoping to check out the town and will report back. D is also in at Charleston - agree, merit isnā€™t enough for it to be a contender. But my D doesnā€™t want a city; it sounds like your kid does. Miami probably wonā€™t fit the bill. My daughter is happy with a small town walkable from campus. Hopefully the snow stops long enough for us to actually get there!

Miami has a beautiful campus and the surrounding town of Oxford is as well. There are a number of decent restaurants uptown Oxford which are all walkable from campus. I do understand what your daughter is saying. If you are looking for something more beyond what is right there on campus or down the street, you will be disappointed. Miami is a mid sized school in a more suburban/rural environment. We love it, but my daughter was looking for something less secluded which is why she committed elsewhere.

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Out of the institutions you mention, Iā€™ve been to all but Colorado.

UofSC has a wonderful Honors program that I think your high achieving daughter would enjoy. And thereā€™s a lot of action on football weekends. Nice students, great school spirit, plenty to do. Our nephew was a starter for UofSC football so we spent many a weekend in town.

CofC seems to attract a similar kind of kid that Miami does. Iā€™m going to come clean and tell you that we are big fans of Charleston, the town: we love the shops, the restaurants, the entire vibe. We have family in town and they love living there. Academically speaking, though, I feel Miami is stronger.

American is great in that if your daughter is at all interested in working in the DC, suburban Maryland, NOVA area then it would be great to have access to internships during the semester. Sure is nice to avoid the onslaught of the summer intern rush from the out of town student. Thereā€™s just a ton to do in the area and the academics are solid. My son lives just outside the beltway and we do love visiting the area.

Miami has always felt more like some of the private, rural, liberal arts colleges we visited. Itā€™s a pretty close knit community despite its size, and ice hockey is the thingā€¦ more so than football. Academically, I do feel Miami is an up-and-comer, and theyā€™re certainly putting their money where their mouth is when recruiting top talent. And Miami puts a lot of opportunities in front of kids who are motivated.

As to restaurants, there are several good ones, and we like the ones that are tucked away off the main drag. Iā€™m not sure if you found any of them, but Oxford is more than Bagel&Deli. That said, Oxford isnā€™t Charleston, Columbia or DCā€¦ and is never going to be. But then it isnā€™t really an apples-to-apples comparison.

Iā€™d have your daughter list the pros and cons for all of the institutions under consideration. If it comes down to money that may force your hand regardless. Weā€™re big on no debt in our house so that was always a factor and our son knew it.

Please let me know if Iā€™ve missed something. Always happy to help.


Read the admission letter again and saw this ā€œā€¦The Office of Student Financial Assistance will send full scholarship details with your complete financial aid package by late March.ā€

So by late March we all will know how much to pay.

I know great kids currently studying at all of these schools ā€¦ Although fantastic, Miami is quite isolated & would likely not be a good fit for her unfortunately - particularly if she is considering CofC ā€¦ they simply are not comparable academically in most majors. In my opinion, even though Charleston is a gem of a town, Miami U may be stronger school overall & have more opportunities for the motivated student. SC is beautiful and has one of the best Intlā€™ Business programs in the nation and many other great qualities that come with a school that size. Without benefit of going back in this thread it is unclear what her wish list is so I apologize. Further, American (the vibe etc) is the COMPLETE opposite of CofC (and the others) in nearly every respect and frankly living in DC is not quite the experience (or draw) it was 20 yrs ago. This kills me as I loved visiting friends there and @ GTown yrs ago ā€¦ today, itā€™s vastly different and would seem like another planet compared to Charleston. All that said, everyone has reasons for being drawn to a particular school which may be in contrast to another school they like, so I get it & know she will choose wisely !

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great info. iā€™m sending this to my wife :slight_smile:

Can anyone share insight on when regular decisions should come out? Will they be rolling or more likely shared on Feb 15? Thank you. The wait is tough:)


I, too, was surprised to see the DC location. DC is a totally different vibe than Charleston, Columbia and Oxfordā€¦ and most likely Colorado. (Iā€™m hesitant to weigh in on Colorado not having been.)

DC is an urban, concrete jungle and itā€™s a certain kind of kid who would thrive in that.

I could be wrong, but I get the impression @tsbna44 daughter would be happy in a college town with rah, rah school spirit. That sure isnā€™t DC.


You might want to give Admissions a call and see if theyā€™re going to release in waves.

The wait is always the toughest part, and I hear you.

Best wishes, and crossing fingers you receive good news!


Bear in mind that the Board of Trustees doesnā€™t set incoming cohort pricing until their May board meeting.

Any ā€œcost of attendanceā€ information up until then is only an estimate. Take a close look at the financial aid letter and youā€™ll notice the same. Meaning, you wonā€™t know what youā€™ll REALLY have to pay until summer.

To me, that was THE most frustrating part of the process. Youā€™re expected to commit May 1, but you donā€™t know the incoming cohortā€™s COA until the information is released, typically in June? That didnā€™t go over well in our house, quite frankly.

I keep hoping each year this will change, and weā€™ll get incoming cohort pricing before May 1. Maybe this year will be the year?

Please do keep us posted, as I would be eager to know.

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Has anyone received notification about the Honors College?

Not yet.

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I roughly recall the the finalists were already notified, but my D was not selected.

The finalists for Presidential Fellows were notified. Might you be thinking about that rather than the honors college?

In the portal, click the " 2021 Honors Programs Application", in the new page, click ā€œhonor programā€, another new page is about ā€œPresidential Fellows Programā€. So I am confused.