Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

PFP is a separate honors fellowship from the Honors College. PFP sends out letters in January to the finalists. The honors college has yet to release decisions and says they will be released by March 15th. Honors college decisions will be a yes or no. Prodesse Scholars is another honors program separate from the other two. This program has started releasing decisions, but hasn’t released all yet.

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The Presidential Fellows application is already complete with interviews this weekend and next weekend.

@Tigergrad94 or anyone who has spoken to admissions, I have a couple of questions regarding merit scholarships (in our case in state, but I think these apply to OOS as well). We can ask admissions as well, but wondered if anyone here had info.

  • Are they considering test scores at all in determining merit amounts this year? If so, are they given the same or less weight as in prior years?
  • Is the $2k for Prodesse Scholars merit considered to be part of or in addition to the amount in the total merit for a given GPA band?

I ask in part because my daughter received the same merit amount with a 34 composite ACT (35 if counting superscore) as a friend and while both have 4.0+ weighted GPA’s (very close to the same GPA) and extremely similar demographics (including same hs) and EC’s, her friend has a 29 ACT score.

While happy for her friend and realizing this is a sample size of one, this would seem to indicate to me that 1) test scores really don’t matter to Miami admissions this year and 2) that the $2k for Prodesse Scholars is used to reduce other merit awards to arrive at the same total rather than being incremental.

Happy to have an acceptance and have received merit, but a bit confused as to how they’re managing this.

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In my opinion, with the above stats if the OOS applicant did not get the full-ride scholarship, she/he will not commit to Miami U.

For the similar cost, she/he can attend a better ranked school.

@FeiXing Are you saying that they’d attend an in state school or would get need based aid or are there other Top 100 type schools where you’d expect to pay less than roughly $15k tuition / $30k total with merit only aid?

Maybe that’s a driver, Miami is putting more dollars towards OOS candidates?

As an in state applicant, $13k in merit leaves roughly $3k in tuition plus room and board. For an out of state applicant the gap is much wider ($36k tuition less the $21k in minimum merit for the top tier). Again, not intending to complain, just surprised that an in state student with her stats doesn’t seem to be more of a priority for Miami.

Not sure about test scores and merit. We are OOS and test-optional due to all tests being cancelled in our area. My D was awarded $21K in merit w 4.26W GPA. For us, this makes Miami one of the better OOS options. While she has received merit awards from other schools, the amounts are lower and the OOS tuition higher.

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My D has a 1440 SAT and 4+W GPA and got the minimum 21K for out of state. It sounds like there are very few OOS students who got anything more than 21K. I agree with you that it is definitely one of the better OOS options.


I know you are not complaining. But I think in the big picture for your Instate daughter with Miami price guarantee not having to pay an extra 3% annual increase in tuition and room and board will still make Miami the most economical choice even without the extra 3K in scholarship,

My kid is a very fortunate OOS applicant that got the OOS tuition merit scholarship at Miami. It is clearly the best option money wise among the schools she has been accepted. No merit at UMD or Wisconsin. 28K at Bama; 21K at Saint Louis University; 17K at UDel. Plus the price guarantee applies to room and board as well.


Wisconsin is the WORST! My D got merit everywhere she applied, except for UW. We haven’t visited yet, but with my luck, that will be her top choice!

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@burghdad , agree 100% on the economics. Her other options will be OSU, which is likely to provide little merit, several small liberal arts schools that are similarly ranked to Miami, which provide 2x+ the merit but still cost significantly more after merit, and highly competitive schools to which she applied RA, which would charge full sticker price if she gets in.

The $3k is frankly not a big deal financially and I’d personally like to see her choose Miami. My challenge is that she put a ton of time into preparing for the ACT, got the score she was shooting for an now doesn’t feel “wanted” by Miami in the same way that she does from the small liberal arts schools where she received their highest merit. Life lessons in there, but not easy rationalizing with a 17 year old that she should care about the economics and the school, not how the award compares to those her peers received.

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Ha I hear you

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Funny my daughter was I’m never going to school in Ohio…Miami is in the middle of no where…etc…etc. Now they have shown her the love with the, direct admission to nursing, the max OOS scholarship and an invite to Presidential Fellows weekend, she is suddenly I can definitely myself going there…Which I am very happy about. I think it is a great school, beautiful campus and just paying room and board for 4 years is an incredible bonus.


28k at bama far better. If just looking at $

Actually 36k OOS scholarship at Miami ends up with us only paying room and board of about 15k each year.

Alabama oos tuition is 30250 and room and board about 14k. So Alabama would be about 5k per year more expensive.

Also miami cost is fixed at the current rates for tuition room and and board. Also cheaper for us driving 4.5 hours than flying or driving 12 hours.

That said the 28k at Bama is a great scholarship


sorry- i was comparing it to the 21K at Miami. yes, costs aren’t fixed but Bama didn’t go up this year and let’s face it most of these kids live off campus by year two - although at Miami it’s year 3.

Also, the $30K and $35K at Arizona - also outstanding.

Miami is a great deal (at $21K - i know a few people got $36K). Frankly, these schools don’t have to give - well they do because let’s face it, it’s like a car deal - there’s the sticker price and the “transaction price” - but it’s a great deal.

But if you’re soley looking at price - there are better - UAH is a great one if you are STEM, Bama for sure. U of SC is similar to Miami but lower tuition.

In the end, we should all be proud of our kids wherever they end up - and we can work a few extra years (if we don’t get aged out) :slight_smile: Our kids can worry about that in 30-35 years!!!


Congratulations on your daughter’s admission to nursing! Do you mind sharing her stats? Did she take SAT/ACT? I am wondering with competitive major like nursing (eso direct entry) if it is really ok to not send scores

D just received an email about getting accepted into the Honors College! 4.82 Wtd, 33 ACT, 9 AP’s, 6 college classes, 2 Varsity sports, Key Club Senior VP, other EC’s.


Mine did too!


My In-state daughter also just received Honors acceptance email. But it didn’t mention anything about Scholars. Is anyone getting Scholars correspondence?


My D just heard she was accepted to the Honors College as well! Congrats!