Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Son also accepted to Honors College!


Congrats to those with honors acceptances! Would you mind sharing stats? And did you all make the priority deadline?

In-state daughter just got Honors email. 34 ACT, 4.7 GPA, early application (October). No mention of Scholars though.


OOS 3.7 Miami-adjusted GPA (3.48 uw regular GPA), 33 ACT, taking all classes junior and senior years at the local college here. Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa (like Phi Beta Kappa for community colleges), and yes, submitted by the December 8 initial deadline.


My son was accepted to Honors program today. 34 ACT, 8 APā€™s, National Merit Commendation, 3.9 GPS, 3 sport varsity athlete OOS


Accepted to honors. 35 Act; 4.0 UW. 10 APS. Nursing admit.


Congrats to all accepted, and sending positive thoughts to those waiting.

Daughter accepted to Honors College (OOS).
33 ACT
4.33 Miami GPA
8 APs (AP Scholar w/ distinction)
Six years of French (w/ college credit)
Applied early (Oct.)


My daughter is into Honors - well the stats you all post are staggering. Outstanding students. 4.53, 30 ACT / 32 Superscore, 9 AP and a DE. Decent ECs.

I was surprised to read this is the inaugural Honors Class. I wonder how big it will be.

Has anyone heard about the Potesse Scholar - thatā€™s a little more money.


@tsbna44 - This is the first class that will be part of the residential Honors College. They have had an honors program before, but this yearā€™s class will be the first to have a required and dedicated residential component. The honors dorms look very nice!

Also, according to my studentā€™s admissions counselor, most of the Prodesse Scholars have been announced already. She also said itā€™s very rare for someone to be a Prodesse Scholar and in the Honors College. She said maybe a handful of kids each year will be accepted to both.

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I think the new area for honors dorms is going to be great. My student is in all three areas of honors and has had a great experience. I love the way they are advancing the program!

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So I guess no honors because Iā€™m Prodesse? Interesting! Congrats to those accepted :slight_smile:

@isla701 This is the first round of honors decisions. They will keep coming out until March 15, so maybe not. Congrats to all and fingers crossed for those waiting!


In to honors
Gpa 4.1/3.85
1490 sat
Data science major


Son admitted to HC.
4.1 Miami GPA
8 AP
4 year, 2 sport letterman; Captain of football team
Strong volunteer experience


We have been told the same which was confusing because it seems contradictory with the admissions letter D21 received. In that it was clear she was being accepted into Prodesse Scholars yet also clearly stated her application was still under review for Honors College, in fact her portal still says that as well despite the admissions office personnel saying that you get into one or the other. I understand the whole thing underwent a redesign for this year, but even so that sort of miscommunication feels like a pretty big mark to miss right out of the gate too.


Accepted to HC
1560 SAT
4.0 UW GPA

Congrats to everyone who got in!


@hokiemama24 - My studentā€™s portal/letter still also says he is under review for Prodesse and has him accepted to Honors College. I agree - they should outline it better. When we asked last month after seeing so many Prodesse notifications coming out, she said he could let her know if he had a particular favorite heā€™d rather be in (Honors or Prodesse) and they would take it into consideration, but that if he hadnā€™t already heard about Prodesse by late January, it was unlikely he would be getting a positive result from that program. He just decided to leave his app as it was.

But, instead of saying students will be equally considered for all, maybe they should have the students rank their preferences? Or some indication because I think some want the full Honors experience and others just want the one year Prodesse experience, but several were under the impression you could do both and it was unclear you likely wouldnā€™t be able to do both.


@RoonilWazlib99 , completely agree that it was not clear (at least to us) that Honors and Prodesse were an either / or proposition. While the Prodesse program sounds amazing, it seems extremely odd that youā€™d take a group of top tier students, put them in program for a year and then exclude them from the Honors program for the rest of their time at Miami.


Completely agree with this! I wish I had been able to rank them too

Yes thank you for further discussion, I think weā€™re finally clear on it all but definitely had to weed through some confusion based on Miamiā€™s communication on it. Hopefully a fixed issue for future applicants.