Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

The Honors dorms will be in a different area of campus next year (Western) than in the past (North Quad) and are beautiful. I’m impressed with Miami on so many levels and am glad to see them expand the Honors program into a residential college. My sophomore has had a great experience.


Everyone there seems great so far. Very responsive. I’ll be interested to see if my student decides to attend after visiting.

Has anyone heard about honors college since the initial batch?

We haven’t heard and my daughter doesn’t want to do any of the housing stuff (contract, look for roommate) until she hears. Just wish we could find out already!

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Yes, the suspense is killing us! I think honors college might lock it up for her!


Have they decreased the number of new honors students due to the new residential format? Is that why it is taking longer to make offers.

I think I heard they decreased it to 400, but I cannot find that number documented anywhere.

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I don’t remember there being a cap when my daughter was admitted to honors last year. Seems like we found out about honors and the precursor to Prodesse,which is USAP, when she was admitted in December. I think the residential component and increased requirements have changed it. I think it is all going to be worth it. My student is on the Advisory Board for Honors and really loves it.

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OSU came out with a commitment to increase in person learning. Of course they didn’t specify what that would look like, because I realize they can’t. Has anyone heard whether or not Miami has made the same type of commitment?

They haven’t made any statements yet. Someone on Facebook said they’re supposed to announce something by March 12th. Not sure if that’s accurate or not.

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The initial announcements about the new Honors program mentioned 400.
" Each of about 400 students admitted to the Honors every year…"

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Oh wow. That is a big change from last year. Last year they admitted over 1900 students to Honors. I didn’t realize how much more selective it was this year.

That number of 1900 was not just Freshmen.The number has been reduced, but not that drastically.

Miami’s University Honors program includes about 2,000 students, so the new Honors Collegewill be more exclusive. Among the benefits for students are guaranteed admission to select graduate programs, stipends for study abroad, access to research funding and priority course registration. Aug 19, 2020

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According to an admissions counselor on the family Facebook page, “Last year we received 3,510 applications, 1,918 were admitted, and 407 confirmed admission.”

From the language someone quoted above, it sounded like only 400 students are going to be admitted this year, but perhaps what they meant is about 400 students confirm admission to Honors. My mistake in reading comprehension! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Either way, congratulations to those that have received an invite this year!

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Did anyone still waiting to hear from Honors (or who didn’t apply for honors) get a notification under forms asking if you were interested in accelerated Master’s degree programs?

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Yes, my daughter did. She submitted her Honors App 2/17 and has not received a decision yet.

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Yes and a mailer today.

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Yes we got that, too. These last few weeks of waiting are getting old!!

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Has anyone heard any Honors College decisions or knows when they will come out this week?

We still haven’t heard and no idea when they are coming out. Just wish we knew already!