Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

They are supposed to be announced not later than this coming Monday, March 15th.

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Did anyone else get an email regarding getting into honors? I never got a congratulations email, but today I got an email talk about how they were happy that I had gotten in… a little confused.

Yes my daughter did, a few weeks ago.

Why would they send anyone an email saying they were happy that they didn’t get into something?

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The email my daughter got yesterday (she was admitted into Honors a month or two ago)…the email was from a student saying what they’ve gotten out of Honors and that you should come because it’s awesome.

was just marketing.


Not sure what the timeline is, but eventually there will be a train stop coming to Oxford, OH.


Honors decisions are out. D did not get in. Will make the decision process a little more interesting! Good luck everyone!

Did you find out by email or on portal? Nothing on my son’s portal either way.

Did you find out through an email or the portal? Nothing on my son’s portal either way for Honors.

She said she checked the portal at midnight last night and it looked different but no decision, then the decision was there this morning.

My son found his by going into his December acceptance letter. It had been altered to say he did not get accepted to honors. The date of the letter had not changed. I was frankly disappointed that the announcement would be communicated that way. Ok not to be accepted to honors but a separate communication would be a better way to handle it.


Yes, it is same to my D’s letter, not a good way to communicate.

In the same spot of the portal, I have downloaded 3 versions of PDF. 1) admission 2) admission + some money 3) admission + some more money + deny to Honors.

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I agree. Not ideal in terms of communication.

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I have been informed by the admissions office that an email will be coming out to the students regarding their honors decision.

We only found out my D21 had not been accepted to honors as it was also buried in an updated Admissions letter in the portal. Odd way of doing it…in any event, she has committed to OSU and was accepted to a Scholars program.

I was notified of my acceptance into honors via an email but it was hours after they updated my acceptance letter. Definitely a weird way of notifying applicatence. I was also notified in early-mid February and wasn’t expecting anything then.

Congrats to your daughter. We still have no heard about Podesse - ssupposed to be by today. It’s an Honors Program - and Honors says to call admissions; admissions says to call Honors…and the AO never wrote back. So …they have some process improvements for sure.

My D found it in her acceptance letter this morning. Miami just added it into the letter, but did not update the date of the letter, so you have to search the letter to find any changes. Not the best look from them.

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Yeah - that’s nuts. Thanks for the heads up.

They really need to fix their processes. Hopefully they monitor these boards for feedback.

Yes, Prodesse and Honors notifications were updated within the past day or so, in the last letter on the portal.