Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Are you instate? That seems like not much money for a High gpa. Congrats btw!

You realize tuition is $16k, so $13k is almost full tuition? I suspect they are limiting larger awards to top 1-2% students as well as those with strong extracurriculars and community service records, summer scholar participants and the like.

Yes in state!

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@ab924 You realize that Miami is a public institution and has a higher tuition rate for out of state students? So no, $13 k is not full tuition for every applicant, hence my question. You’re welcome for the clarification!

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@dance609 Congratulations to your daughter! They are certainly making students wait a long time to find out if they are accepted into the honors college.

DD submitted her EA application right at the deadline (4.43 w/GPA, 34 ACT, 8 APs) from OOS. Will need a good scholarship package. If she chooses Miami, she’d like to ride on the the equestrian team. We’ll see.

Sounds like they may have lowered the amount of merit they’re giving over the past few years. 13K is the bottom of the range for 3.95+ GPA for in state. The comparative OOS merit is 21k annually. These two both have over 4.0 GPA’s. My daughter applied 2 years ago OOS and was offered over $100k. My son has a higher GPA than my daughter but based on the comparison of the two receiving 13k, he would only receive $84k. That would be way less than my daughter and surprising. I hope that’s not the true correlation since the $13k is almost full tuition but seriously the, what do you need for in state full tuition?

I have heard that merit scholarships at a lot of schools will be cut this year. I know Drexel also cut them substantially over last year so that would be disappointing.

Congratulations for all the ED amittees and can’t believe EA have to wait another month! :frowning:


I’m thinking January makes sense. Not much will be happening on campuses after this week until the week of the 4th. They will finalize EA applications that week, and my guess is that EA decisions will come out the week of the 11th.

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Just called and they said a few MAY come out on Friday, but most will be in January. Not sure how they will choose the “few” to send out, but it is still possible. If not on Friday, they are closed for 2 weeks and nothing will be happening then for sure. This came from admissions. I really think it would be smart for them to do acceptances prior to the holiday. It allows people to get excited and talk to family and I think ultimately increases their yield, which I think is going to be super hard to predict this year. I guess time will tell!


Based on the fact that they admitted to a “few” coming out, my prediction is they will announce some EA (perhaps applications that were received earlier) this Friday at 5:01 p.m. ET and then run for the hills (be out of the office for two weeks) to let things settle down.


Thanks for calling & sharing! My daughter applied in late August so I’m hoping she is in the early batch! She’s 4.0 UW OOO so hoping for merit higher than $21K per year. Fingers crossed!!

Congrats to those finding out about ED applications! Also good to hear that merit information is being released at the same time (hopefully will be the same for EA folks) and that Bridges Scholarships are noted separately so we can see what money was offered for which things. Our son also applied EA and completed the Bridges program. I was hopeful he would hear about honors programs earlier than March! Oh well, crossing fingers that our son gets good news sometime between now and January 15. He did just hear a couple weeks ago that he was identified to apply for the National Merit Special Scholarships, so he added that to his application. Hopefully is something that helps the admissions committee decide!

Miami is pretty straight forward with their merit scholarships. Weighted GPA’s over 3.95 received between $13K - Full Tuition (~17K) for in-state. OOS students would get $21K-Full tuition (~$37K). My guess is that all of the initial merit awards are currently at the minimum for the level they are eligible for. Last year merit scholarships were increased twice before May. We’re hoping for an increase


Thanks for sharing the info about the merit awards increasing as the students got closer to decision day! That is great to know. I figured we could count on $21K but was hoping for a little (or a lot!) more. :slight_smile:

4.33 was her Miami recalculated GPA. She applied with a 4.22 GPA weighted by her HS. She did submit test scores, but only because they were from a test prior to COVID, so they had already been sent to the school. She scored a 28 on the ACT.

This is great to know, but makes me think it’s going to be a last minute decision for my daughter in terms of which school since so much rides on financial aid offers. I told her if any school gets close to what she needs that we’ll make it a priority to return for second visits before she commits. We could be putting a lot of miles on the buggy…

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Do you guys believe Miami U will fulfill their promises? I think I am qualified their standards. After I SRS, the portal shows I have 4.33 GPA.

In my humble opinion, the ACT 28 score either not submitted or retake. The competitions are cruel out there. For example, even my 7th grader brother got 28 from the Feb. 2020 ACT test.

@anxiety19 Don’t stress about the ACT, the middle 50% at Miami U is 25 - 30, so she is well within the range of acceptance. A higher test might help with merit aid though!

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An admissions officer told my son a few weeks ago that they would run both the GPA and the test score for merit and award whichever is higher, so a score lower than GPA level won’t hurt the applicant. That was really nice to hear.