Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Assuming you are accepted, they definitely will. My daughter was accepted with a Miami calculated GPA of 4.33, and they awarded the $13K minimum for that GPA level.

28 on the ACT is still 90th percentile, so not bad. Very impressive of your 7th grade brother to score so high at that age. Either way, it didn’t appear to impact their decision. She was accepted and received a total of $16K/yr from Miami, with possible increases as we get closer to this summer. However, I do agree with you
if we hadn’t already submitted the scores prior to COVID, we probably wouldn’t have submitted the 28.


@JenR8R This would be great if they released a few of them early, or more than a few even ;). My son applied back in mid-October so I would hope it’s pretty automatic as far as them knowing if he is in or not. He didn’t apply for the honors programs either so even easier. They kept emailing him about it and then ultimately texted him a few weeks ago and he responded he isn’t applying for them so hopefully that finalized his app.

He is waiting to hear from his ED school this week and if he doesn’t get in, it would be great to have an acceptance somewhere under his belt. If not Miami, he won’t hear from anywhere else until after January. The waiting will be brutal.

Good luck to everyone!

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@fnpony There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 28 ACT score, nor is there anything wrong with having submitted it. That’s great about your brother but your comment is not necessary in saying that “even my 7th grade brother got 28”.

@anxiety19 Great score for your daughter! You should be very proud of her.


Does anyone know how Miami recalculates GPA?

There is a table you can link to when you’re logged in. It tells you the values they use.

Here is the link to the table: Recalculated GPA | First-Year Application Requirements | Miami University

Average 7th grade ACT score is a 10 A 23 is 95% just sayin


Sorry I was not meant to be a jerk by bragging. I just wanted friendly remind everyone that the brutal competition we have to face. By the way, one of my neighbors, 10th grade now, he scored 33 ACT in 7th grade. However, in my eyes, he is merely a pure nerd.

Wahooooo! Son applied EA and checked his portal just now. He is in! So they are releasing decisions for EA candidates before 1/15!

Also, scholarship info was there and broken out into different categories so we could see. Also had the note that he would hear about all honors decisions later.

3.489 uw GPA/SRAR 3.7
ACT 33 (one time and submitted)
ETBD major


Son accepted into OSU main campus so waiting on Miami’s decision. He’s 31 ACT (32 superstored) and 4.0 something weighted GPA. It’ll be interesting to see if they give him the 13k. Applying direct admit to Farmer. :crossed_fingers:


Thank you for this!! I just told my son to check and he was accepted OOS with $36k annual full merit scholarship, woohoo!

First acceptance!


Amazing! Congrats!!!

Oh gosh! My son was just accepted, too. Pretty straightforward—13k merit. Good luck everyone! (Ps my husband and I are both OU grads so this is killing us)


Me too, I just got in tonight! I also got the $13,000 merit scholarship, so it’s definetly an option! They just sent an email out telling me they reviewed my application early and that I had been admitted, and then they put the letter in the application portal with the other info.


Accepted to Miami or OSU?

Direct admit into farmer school of business!! 32 highest composite, 34 super score, 4.23 Miami GPA, great extracurricular, good essay. $21,000 merit but hoping to get more later lol!



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That’s terrific merit!! Congrats!

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Can I ask what r ur stats? Congrats on such a great scholarship!