Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Congratulations everyone! I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out - my daughter is sleeping! 4.26w OOS test optional :crossed_fingers:t2:

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I was just accepted too - out of state, applied November 1st


Congratulations! Will you share your stats?

He has really good stats. Has close to the toughest rigor our high school offers as well as good grades to go along with the rigor. Also submitted his test score which without covid also falls in that full merit range. Our school doesn’t rank but he is top 5% of class for sure possibly even top 1%. He is waiting for an ED decision tomorrow so it is finally nice to have something there since they had always been saying mid-January.

Also admitted into Engineering for Computer Science and his Scholarship is RedHawk Excellence Scholarship for $36,000.

He didn’t apply for the Honors program but for some reason the Honors application is still showing up on his page after he told them previously he wasn’t interested and it was removed the other day now it’s back. Does anyone know why this would be?


GPA: originally 3.8 (W), but Miami’s SRAR changed it to a 3.5
Pretty good essay/strong activity section
went to multiple open houses


Accepted. 21k/year scholarship.
4.05 recalculated gpa on their portal.
31 Superscore ACT. Good luck everyone!
Adding- software engineering


Both of my OOS boys were accepted to Miami!
Farmer’s School of Business with a RedHawk Excellence scholarship of $21,000/year
WGPA 3.89 recalculated by Miami
SAT 1270
13 Dual Credit
Lots of ECs, lacrosse, welding apprentice, several academic summer programs.
WGPA 3.65 recalculated by Miami
SAT 1430
3 APS and 2 Dual credit
Lots of EC including lacrosse, self-taught ukulele, 2 jobs, several summer academic programs.

Excited they both got in!

College of Engineering with a RedHawk Excellence scholarship of $11,000/year


3.84 recalculated GPA
University Studies
$20k merit

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4.2 recalculated GPA
33 ACT
Strong ECs
English Major
$21k merit

Merit definitely came in lower than expected when compared to other schools, which likely takes it off our list.


My daughter was excepted. She had a 4.54 Miami GPA (4.56 at school). That’s weighted with the .5 for Honors and 1 for AP. She has a 3.9 UW and 32 ACT. Of course, like all, I thought - she’s well above 3.95 so we’re getting big money - not that $21K isn’t big. I know one person here got a 36 - but my daughter is on some social media of Miami applicants and she said no one there mentioned more than $21K. I think like many of you have said - they raise later. Maybe it’s based on how many withdraw or accept early - these are businesses and they need butts in seats. I do know my neighbor’s son accepted last year and after acceptance he got a departmental scholarship.
We haven’t gotten up there yet (Covid) but we will go to keep it on the list. I’ve only heard great things about the school. Good luck to all - and may we all get more $$$ :slight_smile:

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Daughter sleeping now, but accepted with Redhawk $21K merit. Will need much more than that to make Miami a contender. But, from previous posts it sounds like they started increasing merit awards at some point. We will keep our fingers crossed that happens again.

4.33 Miami GPA (3.731 UW)
32 ACT (one test)
Strong ECS
Applied to Honors College (decision on that?)
On Camus visit as a sophomore, plus attended several virtual sessions
Chemistry major

Son Accepted OOS FSB
4.57 Miami Calculated GPA
Submitted 34 ACT
21K Merit Award

Looking through these posts, it looks like they went with minimum merit award in most cases for now at least. I’m sure taking out test requirement resulted in many more students qualifying in each tier.


I went to bed too early! D21 is in!
3.85 transcript; 3.71 Miami recalculated
$16k merit - unlike most here, we were pleasantly surprised. $15k is the max for that recalculated GPA range, so they bumped her up. Of course, still hoping they will bump up as we might need a bit more to make it work.

Definitely stays on her short list. Hopefully Covid cooperates and we can get out there!


D21 admitted to nursing 35ACT and 4.0UW 4.45W. Not sure what it was with Miami recalculated but I assume higher since our school gives .25 for AP and .125 for honors. 36K merit award. Very excited.


Congratulations everyone!

@burghdad Your D can see her recalculated GPA in her portal. But clearly it must be very high…congrats on a great DA nursing admit and incredible merit aid!

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My friend’s daughter was also admitted in nursing but she said the merit was lower that she would have hoped for. When people say they raised it twice last year, was it automatically raised for everyone or is there something she would have to do to get it raised? Like not commit yet, or commit and then just wait for a potential raise, or contact them?

Their website shows EA decision will come out by 01/15/2021. So it actually came out 1 month earlier?

Miami Ohio does have a history of releasing EA prior to the holidays. In past years it seems like it had even been in batches, over several weeks…but I am not sure on that.

@fnpony this is not uncommon. Schools like to give themselves more time and this happens every single year. This year was especially concerning, as no one really knew what to expect application wise. They are up for Ivies (because of test-optional) and up for state schools (because more may stay closer to home. We’ve got decisions early from a couple of schools now. Better to promise in January and perform in December than the opposite. They also know the yield is going to be an issue this year. While applicants on the CA are down 8%, they are applying to more schools than in the past, thus lower yields for all. Sending admissions earlier helps with yields, as students visit (when possible) and fall in love, meet other students, and mentally get committed before other decisions come their way. Add to that the gap year issue and schools have a lot to deal with in unknowns. Remember, when a school gives a date, it is a date “by” not necessarily on (though some to following through on exact dates).

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