Miami University Presidential Fellows Program Class of 2026

I am international:)

I am just not sure if you get an email if you did not make it.

Iā€™m not sure, but when we logged into the portal it was right on the first page, also. I think it is possible that they are waiting to see if everyone accepts the offer of finalist before notifying everyone? So I wouldnā€™t lose hope unless you get a rejection email. Good luck!!

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Still no email. Iā€™m guessing you only get the letter if rejected.

Non-finalists are getting emailed on Monday.

Did anyone get an email today?


The email just came out to those not selected.

Does anyone know how many finalists there are? I know there are 15 spots for fellows

Just got the rejection email last night.

I have heard that there are usually 60-80 but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s accurate.

Hi everyone! Iā€™m a current sophomore Presidential Fellow here at Miami, and I just want to say that weā€™re super excited for you all to interview! If you all have any questions about the process or what itā€™s like to be a Fellow Iā€™m more than happy to answer. Iā€™m a couple years removed from the process, and my interview was a month or so before Covid, but Iā€™ll give you any advice I can!

On Friday afternoon, I got a text from Miami telling me to register for a phone call with Dr. Crawford. I have the call tonight, but I think this means I received the scholarship?

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Im sure it does! How did it go? My daughter did not get a text so she probably didnā€™t get it, which is totally ok. This is already her most affordable school with merit aid and we are very grateful! Congrats, Iā€™m sure you have the scholarship!

It was! I wouldnā€™t lose all hopeā€¦I think they accept students off the waitlist every year. In the call, they specifically said to let them know if you decide to go somewhere else because they want to open it up to other students :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Thatā€™s fantastic. Honestly, not getting the scholarship might free my daughter up to make a decision that is really based on the best school for her. We can afford Miami now due to academic and music merit and she wonā€™t feel like she has to go there, which is totally ok. Good luck in our decisions!!

Thank you! Good luck to your daughter as well! I think sometimes a full ride scholarship can be a blessing and a curseā€¦I definitely feel like it has narrowed down my choices but maybe not in a good way

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Hi, My daughter was just invited to come for the interview and is super excited!! Can you tell us what to expect? Thanks!!

Hi there, my daughter received the email as well. It looks like they first they have to submit the two essays and then they will hear if they can come for an interview. Is that how you interpreted it?

Did your daughter receive any update regarding the scholarship?

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