<p>GPA: 2.3
ACT: 26</p>
<p>Varsity Debate Team - 4 years
Academic Decathlon - 2 years
Attorney in Mock Trial - Outstanding Attorney (sohp. year) - State Qualifiers
President of SADD Club - 1 year (jr.)
Vice-President DECA (school chapter) - 2 years
Chair of 2009 Talent Show Committee
Chamber Choir - 2 years
ACT-SO - 3 years - 4 awards
NAACP Youth Council Member - 4 years - Membership Committee Chair
Kids Against Hunger International Organization
Recycling Club - 4 years - Secretary (soph. year)
American Cancer Society High School Chapter - 3 years
Caring Corps - 3 years</p>
<p>I really want to go to Howard University in D.C. to major in African Studies and minor in Philosophy. What do you guys think my chances of being accepted are?</p>
<p>My admissions letter is really good and it's 6 pages long. I have letters of reccomendation from an English Teacher and a Judge.</p>