Michigan State Class of 2027 Official Thread

DS’s app status was updated on 11/19 with an acceptance and nice financial award for out-of-state. Then hard copy letter wrapped in school flag came last week. Beautiful packaging.So excited for him … just need to get him to upload a pic with the flag now! It’s an exciting time for our kids. Michigan State in his top 3!


I hope this helps: DS is 6/372 in class, current unweighted GPA 3.875, weighted 4.775. All AP and Honors courses, 29 ACT, 4-5’s on AP exams. He received 15k OOS merit. Good luck!


Love the marching band part!

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2023 college bound son is admitted to MSU. Solid academics and recommendations. Received 17.5K OOS grant + 13K honors enrollment annual grants + 3-5K study abroad grant.


Wow! That is really fantastic!

Son accepted in November. Just received Honors College letter in mail. Invite for ADS competition arriving today. Very excited. :tada:


Can you please confirm how you were notified of the ADS invitation? Was this on the portal, mail or both? Thanks

He receive his Honors college letter via portal(over a week ago) and mail. The letter in the mail stated he would be receiving the ADS invite shortly. It arrived in today’s mail(not on the portal). He was given a link to register. Essays start January 5th(I believe) and then we are going on 1/27 to MSU for the exam and presentations.

That’s great! Congratulations to your son! My son received his honors notification recently. I suppose keep fingers crossed & look out for that mail!

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Thank you! Congratulations to your son as well. It comes in a white envelope. Nothing on the portal at all. Wishing your son the best :crossed_fingers::green_heart:

ADS envelope arriving in the mail today in CA. Anyone familiar with the Social Science Scholars Program and whether it is doable along with the Honors College?


29 ACT
86 GPA
Extremely strong ECs and Leadership


So does anyone know if enrollment in Honors program is an automatic invitation to ADS? Is it based on academic record or holistic (including academics, ECs and essays)? Finally, is there a date by which all ADS participants are notified by?

We haven’t received any physical mail yet, but it could arrive shortly. My son received his honors enrollment over a week ago via portal.

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For what it’s worth, my OOS kid was admitted via portal to the HC on 11/14, but didn’t receive the physical letter until 12/12 (same day as the ADS letter). It doesn’t give you much time to arrange travel, etc! Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to your question. Hopefully others will chime in.

Updated timeline, OOS CA for future reference:
Applied 10/16
Admitted to MSU 11/3
Admitted to Honors 11/14
Honors Letter/ADS Letter 12/12


Still waiting on my DS flag. He applied 10/14, accepted 11/4 and still nothing. I want his flags! LOL

Have you heard anything from IU regarding merit aid ?

And we have a tricolor as well as the Blenheim. Aren’t they the best?

They ARE the best! And nope…we’ haven’t heard anything about IU merit yet. Hoping to hear soon as we would like to get a feel for total cost.

i was accepted to msu on 11/16 but have received any update of honors college admit.
How do i check whether i got in or not?

Hi @ThatMichiganMom, @thompsonkp

My son got similar ADS invite letter. Thanks for pacifying this anxious parent!

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