Michigan State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does anyone have any idea what criteria are used to determine whether students qualify for the ADS competition? I admit I assumed my son would be invited. We are in state and I did the ADS comp 20+ years ago with a 3.7 GPA and 1440 SAT. My son has 3.75 with way more APs, so about 4.1 weighted and a 1530 SAT, received admission a couple weeks ago but nothing from honors and nothing about ADS. I doubt he could get enough scholarship to get close to what he has at Alabama but I admit I’m feeling a little sad that he won’t even get the chance. Not feeling the love. He turned app in right at the deadline, which I’m sure doesn’t help.

I heard someone ask MSU last year with a 3.9 why they weren’t invited and it had to do with GPA.

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Where to check if i am invited for honors or not? I am a international student so i do not receive mail.

For reference:
GPA: 4.0 UW

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If it’s helpful, my kid has 4.0 UW and 36 ACT along with other decent academics & ECs

I’m surprised your son did not receive an ADS invite with that test score. My S22 received one with a 1460 SAT and 3.9UW/4.2W GPA. In state.

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My D23 is an out of state national merit semifinalist. Does anyone know how or when students would be notified if they have received the Merit Recognition Scholarship? “This scholarship is awarded to a limited number of non-Michigan residents who are National Merit finalists and name MSU as their first-choice institution;” It indicates that only a limited number of national merit finalists will receive the scholarship and it is not clear how they determine who is to receive it.

Oh well, must have been the UW GPA I guess. Maybe they have a fixed GPA cutoff. It’s not a bad thing for us, I’ve heard many go and have such a good weekend at ADS that they want to attend even without much scholarship $ offered. Makes the decision for him to attend Alabama that much easier.

My DC applied EA - results were supposed to come out 1/15 but we haven’t heard - has anyone else?

Did you login to the portal just to be safe? My son heard early on in November. Some of his friends just heard this last week.

there is a big acceptance notification right when you sign into the portal - cant miss it. My DS applied in early November and heard back within three weeks. Was the fastest of every school he applied to. He applied to a number of schools weeks before MSU and is still waiting to hear on those. Was great to get the MSU acceptance and got a nice merit offer right off the bat. We are OOS and in a location that they dont really get many applicants from. Welcome to give any other insight.

Is anyone still waiting to hear if they got into the Broad School of Business?

Everyone is still waiting. They are not announcing direct entry until mid-February (wave one). They will announce another wave in mid-April, so there are two shots at getting DA into Broad.

Here’s a link to the Broad DA board if you’re intrested in joining:

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Yes my son is

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Is it difficult to get international tuition grant?

Do you mean your son it’s listed as “business preference”? it is my understanding that nobody has been directly admitted into the broad school of business yet.

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Applied on 10/31 and my kid hasn’t heard back as of today (1/26)

My son had 2 friends (all in state) apply in October who haven’t heard back yet. One reached out and only after she reached out did they respond asking for semester 1 grades. The other hasn’t bothered to reach out as she likely wouldn’t attend anyway. Both of them applied test optional. My son heard back in just a few weeks after applying on 10/31 with scores. I do think it’s strange that they don’t update status for the early applicants.

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Thanks that helps. We are OOS and wouldn’t be reaching out as we have an acceptance from similar school in hand. We would wait it out to hear from them. MSU should have send email about the delay to EA applicants though

My daughter applied near end of Oct and heard 11/9. She is OOS (MD) and TO. Maybe the major makes a difference :woman_shrugging:t2: (she is education)

My Son (2016) had a 3.6, 32 ACT And they wanted his seventh semester grades before they would give him a decision after playing on October 1! Finally got in end of March (ended up transferring to UMich eventually.) My daughter (2018) had a high GPA and a 30 ACT and got in within two weeks after applying at the beginning of October. My youngest son (2023) applied mid October and received acceptance in five days. High gpa, 1490, national merit commended. MSU is rolling admissions. They don’t guarantee a date certain to give a decision. The hold back lower stat kid’s decisions, depending on who accepts. They have an 83% acceptance rate so hang in there!

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