Midyear/Final year reports??

<p>Ok so I applied early action to U mich college of engineering, and I got in. I heard that only deferred students actually send it a mid year report. And if im correct, everyone has to send a final transcript right? </p>

<p>I was also wondering if u mich actually checks the students grades periodically. As of right now, my grades are not too good. I have an F in physics, but my reason is that my teacher lost my assignments, but he is letting me redo them, so I should be able to raise it up to a B+ or A-. The rest of my class grades are As or Bs. Plus, I am taking full IB. But Im just worried they might check my grades and I might get rescinded. I know for sure I can bring up that physics by the end of the semester, I have almost all the work done. Do any of you think I will get rescinded? I mean I can get those grades up, Im just worried they might send me a letter before the semester ends.</p>

<p>they won’t see anything unless you send it to them.</p>

<p>But they WILL see your final marks and CAN rescind for a D or worse, or several C’s so GET THAT F. OFF YOUR TRANSCRIPT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO REDO THE ASSIGMENTS IMMED.</p>

<p>If they did consider rescinding you, they would first give you a chance to explain by letter and review your case. But you really don’t want to go down the road. So, no more than three Cs or 1 D is the rule of thumb that <em>may</em> trigger review.</p>

<p>I know I can definitely get my grades up, but I just heard that colleges can have access to your grades anytime, which was what worried me</p>

<p>How would they check your grades periodically? Hack your teacher’s computer?</p>

<p>I think you will be okay, just get your Physics grade corrected, and if you plan on sending University of Michigan your 7th semester grades it may help if your teacher write a letter about your situation to explain your F in Physics.</p>