Midyear report and final report!

<p>Do colleges have to have those? It says that it's required for Emory, but I've never heard of such thing from my counselors. My counselor only submitted the school report and my app is due today.</p>

<p>“Midyear” means that – the middle of your senior year (i.e., after the first semester/term grades); “final report” means that – a report at the end of your senior year. Some colleges ask for them; some don’t. The midyear report is typically sent in February, or as soon as you can get it in after your grades are posted.</p>

<p>Your mid year report is usually due to the school around February 15. If you are deferred ED, or apply RD, they will ask for your mid year report. Most colleges will request them because they have the grades for the first half of your senior year.</p>

<p>All college acceptances are contigent on you successfully completeing high school. Each college will ask for a final transcript which will have your final scores and graduation date.</p>