Might be impossible

Okay, so being completely honest, I fucked up my first year at college. After the first semester I got up on academic probation with a 0.08 GPA (no joke). Second semester is going decent but my grades probably won’t be good enough to continue at the college I’m at.

I’ll probably end up with around a 1.4 GPA for the year… which I know is really bad.

Is there any way for me to be able to transfer to a 4-year institution main campus?

I can’t go to a community college or a branch, because I was really against it in high school and my parents don’t know about my grades. If they find out that I got dismissed from school they will kill me.

Is there anything that I can do or anywhere that I can go with such a lousy GPA?

You need to go meet with your advisor tomorrow, throw yourself on that person’s mercy, and do your best to get your college to let you stay for another year.

As a transfer, your only real option is a community college. So, if you can’t stay where you are, you just have to get over the whole thing about being “really against it in high school”. Lots of people find that college is harder than they expected and end up at their local CC for a year or two. Others transfer there because they change their mind about what they want to study, or they run out of money, or any number of other reasons.

As for not telling your parents about your grades, well you are going to have to pull yourself together and do just that. Even if you are able to return to your current college next fall, unless you can pick up extra classes every semester, that round of bad grades will almost certainly mean that you aren’t going to graduate in just four years. Your parents are going to want to know what happened when you ask them to pay for year five.