<p>Okay so next year I'm gonna be living in one of those suite types of dorms. There's gonna be four of us sharing a bathroom and living room, but we all have our own bedrooms. </p>
<p>there's a mini fridge and a microwave in the living room for all of us to share, but i'm still gonna get a mini fridge for my room too.</p>
<p>the max size we're allowed to bring is 3 cubic feet. so should i get a real little one like the 1.7 cubic feet, since there's a bigger one already in the living room. or should i go towards the max of 3 cubic feet??</p>
<p>(i know some people are gonna say not to get one at all since there's one in the living room, but if i put all my water bottles and stuff, i don't wanna take up a whole bunch of space in the shared fridge.)</p>
<p>If it’s not an inconvenience in terms of carrying it when moving in/out or in terms of price, I’d say go for the maximum.</p>
<p>Think about what you’ll be keeping in it, considering things like if you will or will not also have a meal plan, as well as if you do or do not want to store food in the larger fridge (worried if roommates steal it, etc?). </p>
<p>Most people generally use room minifridges for things like drinks and maybe a cold snack or two. If that’s all you’re keeping, go smaller (save room and money). But if you want to keep real food in there (versus the larger fridge) or something, then by all means, go large.</p>
<p>My roommate and I shared a school-rented Melvin Group 2.3 cubic minifridge, and it was perfect, if even a little big (we didn’t use it for much, what with our meal plans.)</p>
<p>Consider that you can hide food you want to make sure people aren’t going to steal as well
Just look at the price difference- if it’s not that much, go with the bigger one. Unless there’s just not a lot of space in the room.</p>
<p>I have the largest mini fridge I’ve ever seen (between 4 and 5 cubic feet) with it’s own separate freezer and wouldn’t have it any other way. I keep juice, fruit, bagels, cream cheese, etc in it, and I can also keep ice cream and frozen pizzas.
The large size was also convenient for leftover pizza or boxes from restaurants. </p>
<p>My one roommate and I barely managed to share mine so I can’t imagine a 3cu.ft. mini fridge having room for much of anything between four people. If you expect to have more than a drink or two cold in your room I would think you’re going to need another one, unless the other kids don’t use it. As for what size you need, it just depends on what you want to use it for. I think most people keep less food in their room than I do. I am usually to tired to go back out for dinner after class, so I like a bigger fridge.</p>
<p>I had a 2.3 cubic foot one this year to share with one roommate…plenty of room. Held lots of drinks and plenty of room for leftovers and whatever…all that I keep in there anyway. Freezer was a tad small, but fit ice cubes…although I’ve seen some that will hold pints of ice cream and stuff in the same size fridge.</p>