Minimum GPA for business accounting?

I’m currently a cc student hoping to transfer to CPP for accounting. My GPA is a 2.9, I’m doing the ADT path, and I’m not local. I don’t know how competitive it is but do I have a chance? I failed one of my classes my first semester so I’m thinking about retaking it to improve my chances but the thing is I don’t even need it for my major. Should I apply for next fall or hold of another semester and retake the class instead? My friends think it’s a waste of time retaking it since it’s not required for my major but I’m not sure. Any advice?

Average transfer admit GPA was 3.14 for the campus as a whole. Since Business Accounting is not an impacted major, a 2.9 GPA might make it. I would still try to retake the course to make yourself more competitive for CPP, if it is your target school.

Depends on the school you desire to transfer. Some schools take 2.5 some take 2.85 or 3.0 or 3.5. Depends on the school. It is based on the business school you want to transfer to, not the major itself. Please check out my blog if you want to major in accounting.