<p>I'm just curious to see if anyone has anyone gotten these likelies yet. Does Duke still release these types of likely letters, and if so, when did they release them last year?</p>
<p>They come in late February/early March.</p>
<p>I got mine in the mail today. I think they sent a round out early last week.</p>
<p>has anyone heard anything from Duke Bsai weekend invitational ?</p>
<p>I'm searching the web. I found this on Dukes website so it may be the weekend on March 28th.</p>
<p>CARIBBANA! </p>
<p>Date: 03/28/2008 </p>
<p>Time: 5:00PM-8:00PM </p>
<p>Location: Main Quad </p>
<p>Contact: <a href="mailto:aeg3@duke.edu">aeg3@duke.edu</a> </p>
<p>Summary: Caribbana is an annual event held during BSAI weekend and it highlights Caribbean culture through music, food and games.</p>
<p>has anyone received an invitation to attend duke bsai weekend for african americans?</p>
<p>For those of you who have received a minority likely letter, what states are you from?</p>
<p>you guys should definitely go.</p>
<p>it was great last year.</p>
<p>has anyone received a duke bsai invitation yet?</p>
has anyone heard yet?</p>
<p>Is the BSAI invitation a likely letter???? I just got mine today, and I don't know if I should jump for joy or not.</p>
<p>Go ahead, jump with joy. According to these threads, it's a likely. :] </p>
<p>It's definitely a likely. They wouldn't fly you out to Duke just to reject you.</p>
<p>Plus, in the brochure last year, it pretty much confirmed that you' were admitted (check the "Am I in?" question in the brochure's FAQ.)</p>
<p>My D got one!!!! Well she got an email telling her to expect the invite...didn't say fly you for free though...</p>
<p>Got the email and the letter. So excited! Is the BSAI really that much fun?</p>
<p>got one :)</p>
<p>oops, forgot. they only fly in those that are receiving a lot of financial aid. you can try asking for some help though.</p>
Q. Does this mean I've been admitted to Duke?</p>
<p>A. Naturally, inviting you to campus means that we think you're a very strong candidate for admission. Very occasionally, something happens or we receive new information between the time we mail our invitation and the time we finalize admissions decisions, and we find we can't admit someone we've invited. But that's very rare. Your chances of being admitted are excellent.
<p>from last year</p>
<p>This letter just made my day....week....lets make that month.</p>
<p>innocent, did you get an email as well?
and if you don't mind could you post your stats =)</p>
<p>Florida were you speaking to innocent, or everyone in general about posting stats?</p>