Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Thanks, @Atria! Can you help me understand where you teenagers put all this food?? I can’t keep the refrigerator full! It’s an emergency!!!

@GoatMama That’s why AtriaMum has invested in two and 1/2 refrigerators … One for the adults, and the rest for ‘the bottom-less pits’… :))

@GoatMama – are the knee operations due to HS sports?

Five years of club volleyball in the South. Bursitis in both knees and elbows. (She is a Libero, so she digs balls and hits the ground a lot.) It got to the point that she couldn’t play anymore, so we are taking the bursa sacks out. Knees now, elbows as soon as school is over. She is hoping to be recovered by the time college camps start in July, and definitely for the fall season.

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Are there long-term consequences to bursectomy?

The bursas may grow back, but we’ve been told that if that happens they usually are not as thick and prone to inflammation and calcification as the original ones. Time will show.

Dear American Airlines:

Thank you for inducing panic this morning in the gushousehold. A cancelled flight for no apparent reason when he needs to get back to school TODAY? And then rescheduling him for tomorrow? Thank you, further, for working with dear old mom to get him on a flight today, even though gusdad may get pulled over on the way to the airport for speeding because of the sudden time crunch. At least you’re not United.
One frazzled mom.

That sounds unpleasant, @gusmom2000 !
See above for drink recommendations! :wink:

@gusmom2000 definitely look above for cocktail suggestions. We need to come up with a “cancelled flight” drink…any takers???

He just boarded, so crisis seems to be averted. And since it was before noon, and I don’t like tomato juice, I’m thinking screwdriver?

This calls for a celebration! I’d run out and get a split of champagne to mix with my OJ !! Cheers! Glad it worked out!!

I’m with photographer mom! Except I wouldn’t get a split. Go Big or go home with a whole darn bottle!

Breakout the punchbowl !!

BTW- Just finished watching the Joe Cocker doc on Netflix … and it was so good. Highly recommend!! What a voice…

… What a life.

Grande Mimosa por favor!!!

I think @SevenDad should get a Grammy for his CC threads. Miscellaneous Ramblings has to be the busiest thread EVER! Love it.

Remembering my kids’ past Easters at Choate where bacon is hidden along with the eggs for the hunt. Or house parents cook up some bacon for their students with eggs for breakfast. Go Wild Boars!! Wonder what it was like this year. First year with no BS students! :frowning:


I found the perfect suit for guskid. And, it went on sale overnight! He is so going to love me!


@gusmom2000 Love it!

o@gusmom2000 I’m kind of loving the mo’ money look, too. :slight_smile: Or as they call it, Cashanova.