Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 I’ll join you! My first drink when I turned 21 was at restaurant by my college that was known for its “swirls”–frozen margarita and frozen sangria. I still long for one of those swirls more than 2 decades later, and alas, the restaurant turned into a chain retail store many many years ago. I have yet to find a comparable swirl. Lots of other really, really good stuff, but nothing like that swirl.

Straight gin, cold as snow, with a twist and an olive.

Repeat until desired effect achieved.

@AppleNotFar I can relate!!! A very well-known chain that came from a hole in the wall, known for its swirl margaritas has bastardized the drink (and its food, IMO) with its franchises. When it was just the hole in the wall, we would pack into that dive’s tiny shack and “fuel up” for our weekend nights of debauchery. Still wondering how I survived…but alas, no swirl has ever quite been the same.

@PhotographerMom , you just sent me scurrying over to the waitlist thread. Very entertaining indeed. I’ll have my margarita on the rocks, please.

I could’ve very easily filled an ashtray by now.

I may have posted this before…but I’ve always liked this R&B song by Charlie Wilson:


^^ #2021, Tasty chillin with the Hendrick’s

Nice song! And personally I liked for the last time gothic music by band Bauhaus, they’re amazing in my opinion! B-)


GoatKid flew home last night, had a surgery on both knees this morning under full anesthesia, refused to be wheeled out and instead left the hospital on crutches, had me stop at a Mexican restaurant on the way so she can gobble up a chimichanga meal with rice, beans, guacamole, and sour cream, all while full of hydrocodone, and at home walked around the house twice to get used to the crutches, played with the dog, and dyed Easter eggs. The response to my suggestion to slow down? “Feeling helpless is gross.” Lord! Why can’t I be 15 again!

Wowza! Quick healing vibes going out to Goatkid and @GoatMama !

Eeek. @GoatMama you deserve a post-op cocktail! Speedy recovery to you and Goatkid, but it seems like she’s already on the way!!

Wow @GoatMama !! Wishing him a speedy recovery-- both knees? Day 2 may be rough-- hang in there!
You sound like a calm mama!

Glad it’s behind you and Goatkid @GoatMama. Wishing goatkid a speedy recovery!

@GoatMama Wow, she is amazing! I wish her a quick and easy recovery…although it sounds like she’s got it under control. :slight_smile:

hugs @GoatMama


Wow-- that’s one powerful daughter you’ve got there, @GoatMama! Wishing her a speedy recovery.

Thank you all for the good wishes! The force of youth makes me feel like an old wimp. I’m not as worried as I was yesterday about her flying back to school on Monday and taking a bus from Boston Logan then taxi to school. She’s got it! One more reason to feel like an old wimp… Anyhow, gotta run to buy “a LARGE chocolate cake decorated with strawberries.” Now that makes me fear the summer!

I am officially humbled and impressed. At my age, one hard day at the gym requires a week of Advil. Sending healing thoughts her youthful way.

Wishing your D a speedy recovery! @GoatMama … And safe travels!