Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Unfortunately I don’t think that most folks who are being rude are aware that they are being rude. I also think that standards of civility vary widely due to all sorts of factors.

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I didn’t know where else to write this @Garandman, but I just wanted to say Congratulations. I am so happy for your daughter! The final lessons learned post was a lovely and gracious way to close a thread that must’ve been difficult to create and endure ( at times ). I admire your candor, patience and wisdom.

Best wishes for a wonderful new beginning and a Banner Year! Hope you and your family can relax a little bit now and enjoy the rest of the summer!

Cheers :slight_smile:

We met some very nice people along the way.

I have a saying, “Sometimes what seems to be the best thing that ever happened to you turns out to be worst, while what seems to be the worst thing that ever happened to you turns out for the best.” So we sure hope that’s true - and in the same order!

@Garandman I too wanted to say congratulations to your daughter.

@Garandman, I too followed your story this summer and also wanted to say congratulations, and I’m glad you found a consultant who was able to help. I do not by any means believe that “everything happens for a reason,” but I do think that often things that are unexpected or initially seem disastrous end up working out just fine. I wish your daughter all the best.

I am just downright happy for you @Garandman. So glad everything seems to be settling where it belongs. And wishing your D a great year at her new school.

For any Maggie Rogers fans:

I love how proud you are of Maggie Rogers… as if she were a “bonus” daughter acquired through your affiliation with SAS. It further underlines the sense of the whole SAS community as one big extended family. :wink:

You know how in any school full of talented kids there are still a few who really stand out? Maggie Rogers was one of those kids at SAS.

I do find her story compelling…a combination of luck, talent, the internet, etc. If I didn’t like her music/songwriting, I don’t know that I’d be cheerleader that I am — even with the SAS connection. I mean, one of the members of the Chainsmokers went to Masters, but I don’t break out the fanboy-ism for them. :slight_smile:

But yes, SAS felt and feels like a family.

Right now, though…that XX song I posted above and Childish Gambino’s “Redbone” are in much heavier rotation than anything in the Maggie Rogers catalog.

You don’t like the Chainsmokers, @SevenDad?

I feel like I had an early heads up on Maggie through your mentions here. It’s been fun watching her career skyrocket this summer. I hope she stays true to herself as she gains increasing celebrity status.

@dos: Besides Not the biggest fan of their music…or EDM in general. You post hints at another reason why I like her…I feel like I knew her work before she made it big, and I think for any fan of any artist there’s something to that.

Another artist I’m getting into right now is Lizzo (rapper).

Not expressing my personal opinion, but I just love this quote

Haha. Well, I don’t love them or get all the hype but I don’t hate them. I’m not a fan of most EDM actually but until I saw them connected here to EDM, I never thought of them as EDM, more pop.

Fwiw Phish head Trey Anastasio, Counting Crows’ Adam Duritz and Mary Chapin Carpenter are all Taft School grads

Finally, some people I’ve heard of…mostly I have no idea who or what you are talking about on this thread. :slight_smile: BTW, according to Wikipedia, Mercersburg can count a cannibal among its notable alumni. Top that!

@twinsmama I think you win! LOL

Weren’t they British? Oh, you mean an actual cannibal, not the Fine Young Cannibals. :slight_smile:

“In the 1920s, [Mercersburg graduate William Buehler] Seabrook traveled to West Africa and came across a tribe who partook in the eating of human meat. Seabrook writes about his experience of cannibalism in his novel, Jungle Ways; however, later on Seabrook admits the tribe did not allow him to join in on the ritualistic cannibalism. Instead, he obtained samples of human flesh from a hospital and cooked it himself.”


Hence the meme, “Buehler? Anyone?”

Lalalalalalala. I can’t see this. I did not want to know this. My eyes are burning now. X_X

To tie things back into music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRYFKcMa_Ek

"So early in September Amory, provided with “six suits summer underwear, six suits winter underwear, one sweater or T shirt, one jersey, one overcoat, winter, etc.,” set out for New England, the land of schools.

There were Andover and Exeter with their memories of New England dead—large, college-like democracies; St. Mark’s, Groton, St. Regis’—recruited from Boston and the Knickerbocker families of New York; St. Paul’s, with its great rinks; Pomfret and St. George’s, prosperous and well-dressed; Taft and Hotchkiss, which prepared the wealth of the Middle West for social success at Yale; Pawling, Westminster, Choate, Kent, and a hundred others; all milling out their well-set-up, conventional, impressive type, year after year; their mental stimulus the college entrance exams; their vague purpose set forth in a hundred circulars as “To impart a Thorough Mental, Moral, and Physical Training as a Christian Gentleman, to fit the boy for meeting the problems of his day and generation, and to give a solid foundation in the Arts and Sciences.”
This Side of Paradise
F. Scott Fitzgerald

(He went to The Newman School, Hackensack, NJ, defunct)