Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

FWIW, my point in making that comment about dress code is that this was an open house day at a boarding school…so IMO, for visitors, a certain level of formality is in order. Call me old-fashioned…you wouldn’t be the first!

HI Everyone! I have been in the north woods hovering in my “helicopter” on my way to pick up DD from her traditional ( old fashioned) girls camp. The girls were made to change out of their short denim shorts - you know, the cut-offs that cost extra for each contrived rip or hole. This year, a strict dress code was put to use. What some girls wear to LPS or the local mall is no longer acceptable at camp. I had already taken (ok, stolen), the shorty cut-offs from DD’s camp trunk not only due to modesty – rather, concerned about ticks and splinters :slight_smile: !

Put another way: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Just sayin’.

My rule: if the front pockets are longer than the shorts, that’s a Fail.

Not a prep school, but Boston Latin School, the oldest public school in the country, has a very old joke.

Q. Why was Harvard founded?
A . So Boston Latin School graduates would have somewhere to go to college.

BLS was founded 1635, Harvard 1636. BLS most famous dropout is probably Benjamin Franklin, who attended from 1714 to 1716, when he concluded his formal education, at age 10…

Bostin Latin is a prep school. While the users here tend to equate prep school with boarding school, a prep school, by the American English definition, is a HS designed to prepare students for higher education.

Have I mentioned this song/video before?

It’s the xx’s “I Dare You”.

I like the video (starring, among others, Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown and Moonlight’s Ashton Sanders) but love the song.

Death in Paradise has really been a great show. Wonder what will happen to the story line on St. Marie without Humphrey. Still, I had hoped Martha would have returned with Humphrey.

One of my sons had this song on his playlist while working out this morning . It was played very loud and I almost fell of my chair but in a good way. :slight_smile:


@PhotographerMom Nice! And I don’t think I ever heard that before. BTW, as best I can tell, my son seems to listen to a lot of 60s rock right now. He reads all my posts, so he can correct that if I’m wrong or if I have revealed too much to the world…

Greetings to you all from Hotchkiss this morning!! No school or admissions stress for us — DH & I ready tee off and thinking of you — what an amazing golf course-- one of America’s best!! Thinking GolfDaddy and I should arrange a CC tournament next year!

The 80’s had the best music.

The Bee Gees had the best music. And chest hair.

I feel like we’ve been here before … @ChoatieMom. :slight_smile:

You gotta love music videos from the 80’s…I can’t think of a more artistic way to kick up some sand in a desert - can you? Bring in the eighteen wheeler!

Always worth repeating, @PhotographerMom. :slight_smile:

In our experience admissions staffs are unfailingly polite, cheerful, and caring and bend over backwards to help everyone who walks through the door.

Overheard the following conversation from the waiting room: “So and so family called [Applied earlier, apparently, not sure if waitlisted or rejected] they would like to stop by for a visit and see if there is any chance for this Fall…”
“She was very rude on the phone.”
“I see.”

I’d be willing to bet the ranch that this family lives within a 25 mile radius from my home… :wink:

What an intriguing angle…

Not sure if my child is waitlisted or rejected but we’d like to stop by so you can say it to our face.

It was probably a wait list candidate still hoping there is movement on the wait list for Fall. The year my DD#2 applied, and we were at SPS for her interview, a family showed up from the West Coast unannounced, and the rector came out to meet with the family in the waiting room. As you stated, he was very polite and sympathetic. The family said they were in the area on vacation and just happened to stop by. I guess it doesn’t hurt to demonstrate interest. If there was an opening that became available, maybe the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But you have to squeak in the nicest of ways.

The rudeness part threw me!

Rudeness always throws me. Never understood how anyone thinks that technique works…