Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

At my BS (where child goes now), you could request permission from your parents to smoke in your dorm room (this was early 80s). Everyone did, even if they really didn’t smoke, so that you wouldn’t get busted if someone DID smoke in or near your room. Now campus is 100% smoke free.

Also, the place to smoke outside (esp if you didn’t want to get caught, although everyone knew this was the place) was in the small grove of trees between the dorms and the gym, around James Buchanan’s cabin. After dark, you could stand on the student center patio and look out towards the grove and see dozens of little lights as the butts were drawn.

Unbelievable as it may seem by 2017 standards, at Andover in the mid-1970s, whenthe drinking age was 18, 18-year-old seniors were permitted to drink in faculty members’ homes or at the Andover Inn. No limits, the only requirement was being able to stagger back to the dorm and sign in by 11 pm. And most of us managed to do that successfully.

Like many things, it’s impossible to justify by today’s standards, but no one batted an eyelash, and we all survived–and moved on to college with some good experience under our belts.

I would rather my kid have a glass of wine at a teacher’s house than live in a smoke-filled dorm. Very glad times have changed. :slight_smile:

Given what has come out in recent years about incidents of sexual abuse at boarding schools, I would allow neither.

@skieurope, I guess I was envisioning a dinner party rather than a tête-à-tête. Or a fête-a-tote, which is what my keyboard really wanted me to type.

@twinsmama Whew OK, now my heart returned back to normal.

Well, my eyes read fête-a-toke, for some reason. I must still be going back to “hot pot.” :))

Oh, fine. Let’s talk about smoking and completely ignore the fact that I would give my right arm up to here for a cigarette right now…

@london203 - Those large silver saucer ashtrays piled high with a mountain of snuffed out butts… the smell of smoldering filters wafting in the air… Those thick white ceramic mugs that were used for the most disgusting coffee known to mankind… Watching everyone’s wet hair freeze while enjoying their first cigarette outside on a cold winter morning… Coughing up furballs after field hockey practice…

What I wouldn’t give to go back in time…

We found this article hilarious: http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1968/5/29/notes-from-the-prep-school-underground/?page=single

"THE DEAN, who says he is kept informed by students who don’t give him names, estimated that there were “25 hardcore users.” [of Marijuana]

…Off by an order of magnitude. The deans of today probably think there are 25 users of non-prescription Adderol.

The two guys sniffing glue were classmates. One left at the end of the term, the other stayed.

@PhotographerMom The Glory Days were the very best days.

OMG, @london203 - Over the summer the women in my family had a field hockey game… my sisters and sister in- laws against the younger set. We had been threatening to do this for a really long time… and I think the younger set had had it with the “Glory Days”… Anyway-the younger set showed up dressed in “protective armor” head to toe while the old crowd ( see old bats ) were just standing there holding old sticks circa 1970- something. Then it occurred to us that the way we played ( way back then ) was probably the reason for all the protective armor they have to wear today.

You’re welcome?

My stick still has my sister’s blood/ DNA on it from when we played against each other at BS. I would just plow into her and discretely whack her in the head. Every. Single. Game. LOL. My husband suggested that we send the stick off to Ancestry.com to make sure we’re related… or off to a crime lab for forensics.

Oh, to be young again…

We got our butts kicked. It was almost embarrassing. It’s definitely a different sport without the threat of violence. :wink: LOL.

@PhotographerMom, Love it! This old bat (former striker) was right there on that field with you gals, in spirit!

No blood = no fun.

Hi CC friends! PGetting ready for “Irma” to hit us!! I have spent the day in the bunkers getting sand – making sand bags for the doors and hunkering down-- I guess you can call me a (wait for it…) a “sandbagger”!! :wink: My predictied path for Irma is that it will hit Ocean Reef and travel up 95 to Pnehurst. Please send your prayers to all in the path! Updates will be provided if we keep internet service

@Golfgr8 Send positive vibes your way! Stay safe and keep us updated!

Stay safe, @Golfgr8!

@Golfgr8 My prayers are with you.

Thank you Everyone!! We are told to evacuate but gong out all night to help! We just made an evacuation run ( DH, DD & Me) bringing elderly from their beachfront -apartments to hotels & shelters. Roads quiet now . Many older folks alone down here in need of help. If you are anywhere in the SE (FL & Georgis & Carolina ) please get gas, water, bread and $$$! FYI Home Depot ran out of sand bags so we got pillowcases and pillow protectors to fill with sand… cheap hack! If you’re in Georgia or Caroliina please prepare now :)!! Keep calm & download :wink:

@Golfgr8 the Sandbagger - thinking of you!!! Stay safe!! Very nice to help the elderly get to a safe place, too! :slight_smile:

Crossing toes/fingers and praying for you, @Golfgr8, and everyone else in harm’s way!!!

Thanks @judbeeski ,@sunnyschool, @AppleNotFar , & @doschicos and CC friends! Thank you for the amazing support! The storm seems to be shifting more to western half of state – Naples in the eye it seems–the hotel we had booked for evac called us early AM to say they were being evacuated due to xpcted storm surge…FYI for those of you in FL, GA, KY, TN , AL and SC please prepare now over the weekend early-- things that stores here ran out of early here besides the obvious (gas, water, bread, soup, batteries, and flashlights ) also included large Buckets ( for those dripping ceilings, holding fresh water & carrying stuff), paper goods, plastic cups and cutlery, plastic bins , work gloves, plastic tarp for leaks-), and portable phone charges that you can pre-charge. Prepare bag of medicines you may need to refill $& take with you. Get some cash early. Remember to get pet food & safe travels for pets if you drive. The tough time may be after the storm passes-- flooding after the winds and limited services-supplies. Everyone stay safe and don’t get caught on I-95 or I-10 in your car during the storms-- prepare early and get the kids you have at home involved in helping to prepare.