Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Naples is indeed in the direct path. I can tell you that from first-hand knowledge. Eeek.
We don’t happen to be home and that is good for safety reasons… but it is hard not to be there in case of aftermath issues with the house. Ugh. This storm is a monster. Good luck to you @golfgr8!

Another thing in short suppiy are the wingnuts that attach metal hurricane shutters to your house. Don’t ask me how I know that. :smiley:

800 FEMA tractor trailers loaded with relief supplies rolled by yesterday and are now staged at a military base an hour away, waiting to be deployed to FL and GA. Stay safe, everyone!

This storm has already devastated the island in the Caribbean where I was raised… so it is a lot to take.

This is so sad. Sorry, @london203!

Hang in there, @london203! I have a childhood connection to the islands, too. Just devastating to see the photos and videos.

Thanks everyone for thoughts & prayers! Devastation in Martinique and the BVI-USVI - a French friend just sent me photos of the islands! The storm is pushing further west and praying now for our friends in Key West, Naples, Ft Meyers and Tampa! We are safe at home - lucky we didn’t evacuate to Tampa-- so far our beach area is getting quickly eroded- fast waters moving in. For those of you in AL, GA, north FL, TN & Carolina- please prepare now for heavy rains and potential flooding.

Thanks for the update @Golfgr8. My heart aches because of all of this devastation.

Although they moved there when I was a teen in BS, my family has been in Naples for over 40 years now. Very very worried for my family - half evacuated to Orlando and half sheltering in place. FL will need many “helpers” so please do what you can if you are in the area.

My thoughts are with all of you in the hurricane’s path. Stay safe!

Thanks everyone! We are all ok – some minor damage to house and trees down - but we are now in clean up mode! Prayers for everyone up north in its path! :)] Had no phone power or Internet -cable until now!

Happy to hear all is well @Golfgr8, thanks for the update.

My family is also in good shape. The eye went right over their house but no structural damage. Still not safe for 1/2 of the family to return because of trees and power lines down etc but feeling very lucky overall. Chimneykid now having some Irma fallout - classes cancelled at her southern university today and tomorrow

Still unknown for us… we were not there, and so many evacuated that we haven’t had a first hand report yet. We have seen other reports from our neighborhood detailing minimal damage so we are hoping for the best. @chemmchimney Glad to hear all is ok, hopefully the power lines/trees get sorted soon. @Golfgr8 Also glad to hear your place is ok!

Glad to hear that everyone is ok. Here, classes were cancelled yesterday, as well as today for some schools, but we lucked out, as the storm veered west before reaching us. Relatively little damage from downed trees, and the power stayed on. Just lots of cold rain.

So glad to get so many good reports! One of my nurses lives right on the water in Savannah–her neighbors house was completely flooded but she just got back home and reports they had minimal damage and no water in the house. Counting blessings right now-it could have been much worse! Now, if some of that rain can be moved up to the Pacific Northwest…

I write this from my car in an area that gets service. NOW I’m evacuating!! No phone , no cable, no wifi, no TV, no school AND a teenager in the house:)/ @-)

@Golfgr8 Oh no! But sounds like a good idea. Safe travels. Chimneykid reports her university lost many of the gorgeous old trees on their quad last night. Had it up to here with Ms. Irma at this point. >:/

A non-sequitur (it ain’t called “Miscellaneous Ramblings” for nothing!), but for some reason today I felt compelled to seek out this version of “Under Pressure” (I think I may have linked to something similar before):


It’s from the Freddie Mercury tribute show rehearsals, and has Annie Lennox filling in for Freddie Mercury. Plus, George Michael in the wings watching (and singing along). I love Bowie’s lit cigarette burning away while he’s singing.

@sevendad EXCELLENT!

Amazing voice and range given Bowie’s smoking. Huge fan since middle school. Miss him.

In return for that share, I’ll share a video of another of my musical heroes, another David, covering one of my favorite songs: