Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Congrats, @GoatMama! :slight_smile:

I was thinking the same thing about our friend Nico the dog. If he’s hobnobbing now with the likes of us, he’s not acculturating and assimilating with his new community as he should be doing.

Congratulations, @GoatMama ! I hope that having imagined you gone, they are appreciating you all the more!

Congrats @GoatMama! Having recently moved, I am thrilled that you dodged that bullet.

Congrats @GoatMama !! I know it was a big decision for you

WooHoo @goatmama! Congrats to you -

@GoatMama Many congratlualtions to you!!
@payn4ward What?!? Stroke risk???

Congratulations @GoatMama!

Congratulations @goatmama !!
What no closet cleaning?
How else would you get re-acquainted with clothing from 80s (or was it 70s?) and spend hours/days taking photos of kodak developed pictures? We finally gave away two strollers and crib bedding (still kept some :)) ) and donated several-truck-full toys, Primos, Duplos, but still kept most legos and trains.
I am rather unmotivated to unpack boxes since 80% of our clothes in volume are winter clothing even after space-bagging everything. What am I gonna do with all the ski jackets, snow boots, mittens in Texas. :-? 8-}
Well, time to shop for summer clothes. :smiley:

@carpoolingma It cannot be good to expose brain to extreme temperature changes by walking out into minus 10 degrees right after shower at any age, but it is especially not good for aging arteries with hypertension/cholesterol etc.

CONGRATS, @GoatMama !!!

@Golfgr8 How are things in your neck of the woods these days?

Thanks @doschicos…All ok – nothing that can’t be remedied by a good contactor, chain saw, bleach, 2-carbon fragments & woodchipper (not necessarily in that order).,.power is back on, Internet on & off, TV on in at least one room and school reopens sometime next week ^:)^ Thanks to the incredible support from the CC community! You are an amazing group of people!

@Golfgr8 Your positivity and can-do attitude are commendable - both pre-hurricane in your efforts to help others and in the aftermath!

Thanks again! Please keep in your thoughts the students who may now be displaced in the Caribbean, Florida & Texas ( and beyond). I have heard that at least one prep school is accepting displaced students. Hoping there is a network of info for this – CC always a good place for learning about resources.

I know during Katrina that some students found new homes at some of the boarding schools. Hope this happens now as well. With schools just starting, it would be relatively easy to slot some capable students into any available beds.

I have seen more and more photos from “my” island. It is shocking to see. I can’t imagine what it is like to live that devastation every day. @doschicos I hope that happens as well… it would be a true rescue mission.

yeah, It’s been making me sad, @london203. The destruction is so great. Like Katrina, it’ll be years and years. I’m also afraid more big $$ and development will come in during the recovery and push out the mom and pops who will have a hard time making their businesses survive during that period, which will forever change the complexion of some islands.

Hey @sunnyschool
Yea its been busy… Getting used to boarding, the classes… we already have had so many tests/quizzes… And apparently they are going ‘easy’ on us since its start of term…Whew #:-S … But the classes (and teachers) are fun… Everyone is really nice and welcoming… The campus (once you get over the temperature) is beautiful…My roommate’s great too :wink:

Temperature? It’s still summer! :slight_smile: