Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Concord is soo cold! This CaliGirl has had enough >:/
MX campus is beautiful though… just too cold…and its going to get colder… sigh :-<

It was in the 80s today. That’s balmy.

@Atria I hate to break it to you, but today was summer weather. You haven’t met cold yet.

Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury:

Nobody can out-Freddie Freddie. :slight_smile:

Very true @doschicos

In the afternoons its not too bad but, as soon as it hits below 50… [-( … The days seems to cycle… Morning: freezing, Afternoon: hot, Evening: pleasant to cold, Night: oh look there are icicles!

@Atria , wait until your nose hairs freeze. You’ll be longing for the balmy days of September. …

Or when it’s so cold and windy, your breath catches in your throat.

Hope you’ve bought some good winter gear! As folks around ere like to say:
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.”

@doschicos: Honestly, our tastes in music are SO similar. I have this on CD from in period (from Red Hot and Rio…have a few of the Red Hot + discs) and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I’m the sort of person who can (and often does) listen to the same song again and again…and this one was one of them.

In my line of work, I occasionally review dp/directors reels. And back in the day, Peggy Sirota had a video for Banana Republic cut to this version of Aguas de Marco. She wasn’t right for our project, but man did I watch that video a bunch.

@doschicos Awesome song… such great sounding voices, right? on a related note: I love me some Talking Heads. Especially this song:


Speaking of covers…have I shared this one before?


@Atria and @nico.campbell (the two most frequent student posters), how is school going? Is it what you expected? Not sure if this is right place or not…didn’t want to call you out on new thread…ie, no pressure, just curious how you guys are doing!

@gardenstategal I liked to feel my frozen hair when I rush out with wet hair. :smiley:
Learned not to do that anymore due to stroke risk. [-X

In the spirit of Miscellaneous Ramblings of people talking over each other… :wink: I thought to update you on my job musings. Got three great offers - Weill Cornell, VCU, and another department in my current university - and accepted the local offer. A lesson in Ivy snubbing for my children. I know @ChoatieMom and @doschicos are proud of me! :smiley:

@GoatMama Congratulations!!!

Congrats on all the great offers, @GoatMama! I’m sure it’s a relief not to face cleaning closets, too. :slight_smile:

^ That was it! Getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Congrats!!! @GoatMama !!!
@sunnyschool there was an @Atria sighting on the what to wear thread, albeit brief. @“Nico.campbell” seems to have his nose to the grindstone as all III formers should! :wink:

You go @GoatMama !!! Happy for you :slight_smile: