Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Visited a school a few weeks ago that advertises a “formal” dress code. Walking across campus, happened upon a boy in clashing jacket, shirt and tie, and shorts: in November. Bizarre appearance anywhere but at a boarding school.

Then later, a parent of an existing student defended the dress code as preparing the students for the business world. Yes - if you are going to be a circus clown.

They advertised themselves as having a “formal” dress code, not a “tasteful” one. :slight_smile: Teen-aged boys have their own definition of both “formal” and “tasteful.”

If this was winter 2014 and the description included wicked bedhead, I would’ve assumed that you had met K2.

Wait until they leave formal dress BS and start experimenting with clothing and facial hair at college! The mutton chop- flannel shirt phase was a lot of fun.

I was just beaming…

Which will happen even if their BS does not have a formal dress code. Yours truly has been living in sweats and tees for three years and skibro thinks he’s rocking the Kit Harington beard and manbun look (spoiler alert - he’s not!! :smiley: )

No man bun, @skieurope, or I lose all my considerable respect for you! (Wagging finger in haranguing motherly fashion…)

P4kids hairs grow really fast. So they get crew cuts like an army recruit and return in a month looking like hippies.

On the flip side, I would assume @ChoatieMom 's kid looks more clean-cut now than he did at Choate. :slight_smile:

Luckily, buuznkid’s hair gets very curly in humidity…so even though his hair didn’t look so long after three months at BS (it just kept curling), when he got home and straightened out, we realized was longer than mine…almost to the middle of his back!!! X_X

I wish mine had a man bun. Some guys really rock that look. ChoatieSergeant sports the high and tight or all-over fade. :frowning: I’m betting the entire corps wished they had more hair (and warmer coats) during that game yesterday. They looked like snowmen and felt like frostcicles. Poor kids. Go Army!

@ChoatieMom Go Navy! :wink:

@GoatMama <:-P <:-P =D>

Chimneykid 2.0 was texting me last night after midnight and I asked her why she was up so late when she has exams. “There’s nothing to do tomorrow, it’s like headmaster’s holiday or something.” It’s READING DAY!

Completely going off-road here, but woke up this morning and saw my time hop…it made me realize another thing I love about BS. No science projects!!! Well, actually, I am now down to one instead of two…but still. Can I get a toast to no science projects???

@buuzn03, I had a similar epiphany during DS’s final exams before Thanksgiving break. If he’d been at home for his first set of high school final exams, I would have reverted to an angst-ridden helicopter Mom, standing over his shoulder while he studied, nagging, nagging, nagging… Instead it was just a few cheery “Good luck! Do your best” texts, while he was on lockdown in his dorm studying. That alone was worth about half the tuition.

@CTMom21 …DS has finals this week…and yes, that is also a perk! That and not having to take off from work to drive him to his final and then take off again to pick him up a few hours later!! Hurrah!!!


For elementary school, one of the parents suggested all the parents meet in the basement and swap science projects from previous years to make it easy on ourselves. Go Army!

@SculptorDad I had seen that somewhere before and I think the results are definitely statistically significant!!

My favorite elementary school teacher was the one who announced that all projects of this nature would be done at school and that students might be requesting certain materials be brought to school for them. And that she had no interest in how good the carpentry, art, or glue gun skills of the parents were! That was a good year!

@SculptorDad, that’s a classic! These are the fringe benefits of BS that I hadn’t really taken into account.