Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

[popping in to say] Sorry to hear that about Thacher School and hope the campus makes it. So happy the kids and horses are safe. Their science dept chair recently presented about the renovated observatory at our Santa Barbara astronomy club, and for many years it was the home of a summer program my son attended (but at a different campus).

Hoping for the winds to stop in Ventura and LA. Video from Ventura today and tonight was awful.

Cate parent here: we are watching & waiting. Fires have been close, yet moving away from campus (for now). Not the case in Ojai which is really in danger. Because Cate is up on a hill/mesa, they can see everything down toward Ventura, which is about a 20 minute drive from school. My daughter has sent some scary photos. They’re all being kept inside with no sports etc. because the air quality is pretty bad. Thacher kids have all been placed in local family & alumni homes nearby.

@GMC2918: Is there possible threat to Thacher property (buildings, etc.)?

@SevenDad I believe that Thacher is in a mandatory evacuation zone, but maybe someone more local can confirm that. With these high winds and very low humidity, I think that the whole area is threatened. I just checked the “fire map” and the mandatory evacuation area has spread up to Carpinteria. I suspect that Cate may evacuate soon.

Thacher is about 8 miles from any active fire on the Santa Paula side right now. It is not now in immediate danger, but with the way this fire is spreading it is hard to predict. The winds are down a bit right now but have increased since I first woke up. The biggest problem right now is the smoke- I am about 7 miles away in the opposite direction and the smoke is very thick and acrid. That first day of this fire, it spread over 13 miles towards Ventura in a very short time, so while at one point I would have said Thacher is in a safe area, now, I am not so confident. I am sure Thacher and the Ojai emergency services have a very good evacuation plan in place for Thacher, so I would not worry about safety. If students have any respiratory problems, the smoke may be an issue.

@takeitallin: Thanks for update. I don’t have any connection to Thacher besides being a huge fan of the school and it’s unique approach and setting (we did visit a few years ago on a trip to Santa Barbara despite not having a kid applying!) and an online friendship built up over the years with ThacherParent. Thinking of the school, the staff, and the students and hoping all come through relatively unscathed.

Oh my…thoughts and prayers to every parent with students in that area, in addition to all those living there. Please keep us posted and if there’s any way we can help from afar, don’t hesitate to ask! =((

Just talked to someone who was in Ojai this morning fighting the fires. The Thomas fire is approaching downtown Ojai from both sides-Ventura and Santa Paula. Thacher is very much in the thick of things and the entire area is under mandatory evacuation. The same fire has also moved north of Ventura and is in the town of La Conchita along the coast. There is concern that it will continue up the coastline towards the town of Carpinteria (and Cate School) . The winds are so strong that it is moving faster than I have ever seen a fire in this area move. This is by far the worst fire I have seen in years and at this point it seems to be pure luck if properties are burned or not. Crossing my fingers for Thacher and all of the people in the burn areas.

I, too, am praying that the fire spares Cate and Thacher and all the rest, but the kids come first. Property is replaceable.

@buuzn03: Is that Freddy? Thanks for the smile. I miss him.

@ChoatieMom --yes it is! DS sent me that picture when he was giving me examples of what he wanted his Halloween costume to be! The best was him FaceTiming dressed as Freddie with Queen playing in the background! :))

Here is a map of infrared detections via satellite: https://maps.nwcg.gov/sa/#/%3F/34.4636/-119.1862/11

Red dots are the most recent. I’m sorry, I don’t know how recent, though as of this posting it is not recent enough to show the Skirball Fire near UCLA. I believe the data is updated 2x per day.

Ojai has few routes out, so they are going to err on the side of evacuating early just to be safe.

Cate evacuated a couple of hours ago and sent kids to stay with local families farther up the coast. The campus is a designated staging area for the fire department, so I think they wanted everyone out of there sooner rather than later. Also, according to my daughter, the air quality is getting much worse. I agree @takeitallin , the spread and speed of this fire is really hard to take in.

Also, power has been inconsistent and apparently the water supply in the area could be contaminated. There is a “boil water” order in effect.

Any recent news? Prayers to all families affected. I can’t imagine the angst of parents being so far away from their children at this time!

Thanks @buuzn03 - the Cate kids are all safe and staying with local families far from the fires. Today is supposed to be very windy so I’m worried about the spread of the fire. It’s already very close to our beautiful campus. I’m hoping that Carpinteria (and Ojai) make it through the day safely. It’s devastating to see the destruction of the surrounding areas.

@buuzn03 - you’d be shocked, even in such difficult circumstances, how confident and comfortable we far-away parents are knowing that our kids being watched after by our fellow local parents and alumni. In times of crisis, the love, outreach and welcoming arms offered by the parents and alumni of Thacher and Cate are instantaneous and reflexive. @GMC2918

Yes @ThacherParent, the local response has been amazing.

Both of these schools are on buuznkid2’s list as favorites to apply to…just hearing about the support and familial atmosphere is refreshing. So awful that it is in times of destruction that this bond is brought to the spotlight, as I’m sure it is ever-present. Keeping y’all in our thoughts and so relieved that everyone is safe. Praying the winds shift to blow the flames back on what they’ve already consumed that they may die out quickly!

My heart goes out to those affected by the fire. It is devastating!

For those of you whose kids may be signed up for the SSAT this weekend, there was information posted on the website about testing centers impacted by the California fires. It was posted earlier today, so it may now be updated. Thoughts & prayers for all those affected out there - be safe!