Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I was going to recommend Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri but I still can’t figure out my own feelings about the movie. I love the cast (Francis McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell and Peter Dinklage) but it’s a pretty dark film. Actually, as I write this, I guess I do recommend it.

It’s cold here and blizzard on the horizon tomorrow in New England with anticipated 8 - 12 inches of snow. We leave for Palm Springs on Saturday. It can’t come soon enough. Ah…warmth…

As far as movies, go see Lady Bird if you haven’t yet.

Loved Lady Bird! And Coco, which I was prepared to hate after that fiasco with Disney trying to copyright a Mexican holiday.

@ThacherParent see 3 billboards. There is humor while Frances and Sam are Oscar worthy.

Lady Bird, Three Billboards, and The Florida Project are all a great way to spend a few hours.

Also loved Ladybird and am looking forward to an on demand movie marathon as I am happily snowed in today while the rest of Chimney family is seemingly snowed out. One kiddo safely delivered back to BS yesterday and one visiting her BF further upstate #sorrynotsorry. #theyleftbehindsomecheese!

Just watched Goodbye Christopher Robin on our flight to San Fran today. I lost some of it to engine noise, but loved, loved, loved how the story was told, not a false note, and will watch it again with DH when we get home. Still teary. Highly recommend.

@ChoatieMom Heading to LA tomorrow. Will look for it on our flight.

WAnting to see that one, @ChoatieMom . Have already stocked up on tissues…

Anyone heading through NYC airports be warned - they are the most messed up I have ever seen in 20 years! Arrived at Newark 1 1/2 hrs before dd’s flight and she couldn’t even check her bag there were so many people. Tried to rebook and Delta and Travelocity sites both crashed in the process. Zero flights out of NYC until tomorrow - and now JFK customs has flooded! Suitcases bobbing in ankle deep water - hopefully our BS friends are already back on campus. DD is rebooked for tomorrow but missed a day of a week long college travel class that starts tonight.

Wow! I haven’t seen this in the news yet! Is it due to the cold? I’m so relieved DS went back the day before the storm.

@sunnyschool The storm Thursday was a challenge but not at all sure why things are still messed up 3 days later - very atypical

Having flown myself yesterday (and heard the woes of fellow travelers ), I think the problem has been compounded by people whose flights were cancelled on Thursday and Friday who are still stranded. There are southern airports that have no real snow removal equipment and still have limited runways (i.e., Charleston has only 1) so those folks are truly in limbo. And I know Chicago was having delays yesterday, and that messes up all the aircraft that go through there. JFK has its own issues.

Hopefully the warm spell this week will help.

Hoping all of you and your kids get to where you need to be! Sorry, @chemmchimney, for your D. So disappointing!

@gardenstategal No worries - she goes to Emory in Atlanta and when they had predictions of frost, they cancelled everything as well so in the end, she didn’t miss much.

I have to admit I’m a little bit perturbed that it is Colder in Texas than Boston…DS FaceTimed in shorts last night…we were hunkered down in sweatshirts & blankets!!

Yes, it is quite balmy in the 50s up here today after negative temps last week. One problem is that with the snow on the ground and the warm temperatures, we have major advection fog today. Visibility is crap.

@buuzn03 You made me check the weather app! Yes, indeed, 47 my town vs his my town, now. I hope DS wears a rain jacket as his umbrella broke in the wind.

@payn4ward if your DS is like mine, good luck. I tried til I was blue in the face to explain to him his hair would freeze if he went out in -3 with it wet. He still left the blow dryer at home. Smh

Has anyone mentioned “The Shape of Water” yet? Strange story, but beautiful film.