Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

LOVE Guillermo del Toro

Just saw The Post. The crowd erupted in cheers when the Katharine Graham character said, “Let’s print,” as if it were a high-testosterone action flick (which it most certainly is not). My 13-year old and I were the youngest people in the audience. (She loved it, btw… which surprised me.)

@Sevendad the plan is to see The Shape of Water in the next day or so. Looking forward to it.

Also: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is terrific. Bad language and lots of violence (I only mention it in case anyone is bothered by that) , but an excellent film and each actor is better than the next. Frances McDormund is typically fabulous, Woody Harrelson is at his all-time best, but Sam Rockwell might just be the best one. A sad film, but funny at the same time. I recommend it.

Damn…Delores O’Riordan of the Cranberries passed away today.

My favorite of their oeuvre:

Oh wow…she wasn’t very old, though, was she? I liked the Cranberries --I always tried to sing like her in the car…although I think it just sent the neighborhood dogs to howling

Only 46. I’ve been a Cranberries fan from the beginning so was sad to hear this news this afternoon.

Posting this as an FYI in light of the recent thread that got shut down. Don’t get this thread (which I think has served and entertained people for years) shut down!


@SevenDad - as someone who has been solely responsible for many SD thread closures… can I please make a suggestion? I think this article has potential for a great discussion and it would be an awesome topic for a new thread. Hint.

My love for this thread is too great… I just deleted five drafts because deep down inside I knew.

Progress not perfection… or something . :wink:

Changing subject completely (but sticking to the theme of the thread), I’d like to thank @Golfgr8 for creating a monster in my household! I was going to post a thread asking for performing arts focused camps…luckily I didn’t, because DD is already rearranging her schedules, dreaming up fund-raisers, etc from a quick comment. If one person’s suggestion can cause so much havoc…I can’t imagine what a thread would’ve done! Wasn’t there a thread last spring on how to make extra money? Donating organs or something was mentioned, I think…

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Sending both my apologies to @buuzn03 and additional ideas on performing arts camps (besides the list) - the summer program DD attended had scholarships. If anyone is interested, you can PM me. We made it a win-win situation for our family - DD raised $ for the summer program by selling off her American Girl dolls, beds, clothes, and accessories online. She also collected these items from friends and cousins. Cleaned out the closets and made some $$. Everyone was happy! We also had a lemonade stand, but someone did call security to complain >:P

Thank you!! Those ideas are better than my kidneys!

For some reason, thought of Deep Springs College today and googled…they are accepting women applicants now.


From what I knew about it, I always liked Deep Springs and thought it might have been a great place for 7D1 to start her college experience.

@SevenDad I wish more of these unusual schools were more well-known. It is a shame that kids feel that if they don’t fit the “top 100” then they have no options. I love that Deep Springs is able to “make it”… it’s a super interesting program and, for the right kid, I imagine it could be a life changer.

I’ve known a couple of Deep Springs grads … they chart their own course. Really unique program.

Last fall, I got ambitious and went through closets and our basement and attic. Overwhelmed by all the stuff/junk I found , I had a dumpster delivered and started purging. It was exhilarating and worth the money - I highly recommend it!

Anyway- I wasn’t expecting to come across anything of value but I did find old Christmas gifts that were so well hidden that the kids never received them … from almost 20 years ago! I must’ve been distracted that year or something because they never made it under the tree. So… I wrapped them up and thought it would be a lot of fun to finally give them to the kids… better late than never- right?

So- Christmas morning rolls around and the kids open their gifts… which were three Furbies in their original boxes and never opened ( obviously ). Before I could finish the story about finding these long lost gifts, they were on their phones looking up how much they’re worth! … Who knew there was a market for the original Furby? I didn’t!!

Had I known… I’m kidding. A gift is a gift and I’m not sure I could’ve lived with the guilt. And-the Furbies finally found their rightful owners at last - right? But wait… not so fast.

K2 texted me this morning to tell me that he sold his for $600.00. And he was once considered sentimental by most standards . I can’t believe a person would pay that price either! That’s just insane.

Plus, there’s the real possibility that I may have watched Toy Story too many times… :wink: I almost texted back and asked about the new owner. Did you vet him??? LOL

Too bad no one would believe you if you said that was your plan all along: To make a small investment in their name and surprise them decades later with something that had appreciated significantly…

No. All this discovery did was make me question what I threw in the dumpster!! LOL.

No - don’t look back! Remember the freeing feeling!

@PhotographerMom I bet that was the most loved Christmas gift this year. :slight_smile: As they say “cash is king”. hahahah

Must check kid’s Yu-Gi-Oh stash…