Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@GoatMama how are things? Is everyone on the mend? Have you gotten any rest? Hugs!

GoatKid2: spent the day doing school work on his own volition. I may have to report it as a rare flu symptom.
Dog: after eating a thermometer, several Tylenols, two measuring cups, a power cord, a roll of duct tape, and a hole in the rug, dog is in perfect health and high spirits.
GoatMama: Successfully juggled work, mother with the flu, retrieving stuff from school locker, medicating and feeding kid, and walking dog. Girl Power! :)>-

What breed @GoatMama ? Sounds like the right dog for our household!

Happy to hear kiddo2 is showing a bit of moxie :slight_smile:

The best breed, Pure Mutt! There is lab, pitt, and beagle in his pedigree. He is a rescue.

I think the lab part explains the eats everything. :wink:

And the beagle part explains why you can’t teach him not to eat everything.

Wish my kids had a little more lab in them…

One of the New England Patriots was suffering from flu symptoms. He was flown out separately, instead of the team charter flight, and is now OK.

By contrast “The Philadelphia Eagles biggest distraction during Super Bowl week hasn’t been all the media availability and travel time to practice, but a flu bug that carried over from Philadelphia.”

Pertinent to cheating at exam schools, my daughter is at Boston Latin School. They’re smart kids. Some teachers have given the same tests and quizzes for years. Some teachers give the identical test to multiple sections of students the same day - and the schedule rotates so each section will be first. Some teachers include a lot of group projects with a shared grade regardless of contribution. What do they expect?

One of her teachers gave out a multiple-choice quiz. Each of the three quiz versions had 10 questions from a pool of 20. None of the three had the same answer key. Pretty obvious the kids with zeros were copying neighbors, and that put a stop to it.

Ugh…"I think DD just collapsed from flu…one minute fine the next, curled up in fetal position. I’m on call,so can’t get her to urgent care to get her tested…sigh

Ugh. Hugs. Hope she recovers quickly.

Hope she’s Okay Buuzn. My daughter has the flu and missed some classes. Hoping she can get back on her feet.

Thanks, guys! I was right, Flu B. She started Tamiflu within 4 hours of symptom onset & is doing much better. Just continuously Clorox into the house so DH and I don’t get it!!! This is when working from home can be tough!

Oh, for those Cate parents…DD is having to do a project/presentation on the western US. For her California section, she has created a commercial for Carpinteria. So, if you get an influx of tourists…you now know why. :wink:

Sorry to hear about the flu, @buuzn03. I hope your kiddo is on the mend!

@GoatMama thanks! I hope your house has returned to normalcy and all are well!!!

I hope so too! I’ve been in New England since Friday with GK1 for her mid-winter recess. My snow driving is just like her skating, somewhere on the scale between amuzing and embarrassing. Heading home tonight. Cold is overrated.

Oh wow…we are going up to see DS President’s Day weekend and I’m not looking forward to the cold, either…hoping the snow will take a break just for us. Lol

@buuzn03 Glad your DD is better. I booked a hotel in Carpinteria for a week in June, while my DD goes to Cate Camp! :slight_smile: Post the video if you can!

@sunnyschool DD thought about that camp, too! We are going to visit campus (most likely informally) over July 4th weekend. I will be in LA for a conference & will try to fit it in! Let me know what your DD thinks of camp!