Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@PhotographerMom I did the same thing when we moved 3 years ago…only all I found was 2 year old peppermint bark from Williams-Sonoma. I’m thinking the value on that does not increase.

I can tell you that we have saved a Breyer Barbaro in the original box…

During packing for our move, we did find several never opened Lego boxes. Boys are holding onto them a few years till they appreciate more :))

I found a Hess truck in the box! Any takers?

We visited Cushing Academy, whose mascot is the penguin. Outside their art building they have a piece with rocks and cast baby penguins.

Being winter, all the penguins have little purple and white scarves…

This flu epidemic is really something and so scary. My boys ( knock on wood ) are fine so far but report ( college ) dorms closing and friends being rushed to the hospital. What’s the word on the BS front? Everyone hanging in and healthy?

This flu is worrying. I find myself getting a tad irrational at the fear of anyone I know getting it! Several friends kids has either been sent home or quarantined on campus…

GoatKid2, a CF-er, is with the flu right now, and allergic to Tamiflu. Needless to say, he had his annual flu shot as did the entire family. Our children’s hospital is in diversion mode, which it hasn’t been in since… ever.

@goatmama, I wish him a speedy recovery!

Thanks! He is doing fine, all things considered. The flu shot must have softened the blow.

Yikes, @GoatMama ! That sounds rough!

It’s fine, really. We broke down the fever and are doing breathing treatments every 4 hours. He is stable. I’m more worried about the dog who first ate the thermometer, then took a Tylenol pill…

Oh no @GoatMama praying for speedy recovery for both goatkid and goatdog, and sleep & sanity for you! Hugs!!!

Thank you, @buuzn03! It must be natural law that all BS (and I don’t mean boarding school) happens when the husband is out of town.

You all enjoy your weekend and stay healthy!

^well, poop…That is how it always goes…if you were closer, I’d bring over some soup and help feed the animals for you…sans said dog, who’s eaten enough…more hugs! And hubby needs to be carrying flowers when he steps in door…wink wink

Front page of NY post this morning is interesting - article says 83% of Stuyvesant HS students admit to academic fraud - mentions competitive environment and sharing answers via Facebook last year - also, a sidebar story on students being flooded with junk mail after allowing College Board to share his info…can’t get link copied, or I would share.

Just read it…well that’s what happens when you create a culture solely based on grades and test scores…

Happens here,too, atbthe local test-in-magnet. Among those who participate, it is perceived as collaborating/helping each other out, not as cheating. I think that makes it harder to eliminate.

It does seem like a grey area between collaboration and cheating. Also, so many students use Tutors (at some schools), and sometimes the tutors have old tests (which I find questionable). Teachers look the other way - and sometimes actually make $ from tutoring kids in their own schools. Also, it’s no coincedence that some of the kids pulling the high test scores often had older siblings take those courses or are tutored constantly.

At Stuyvesant, the problem is the ultra-competition for grades that creates this survival of the fittest culture where students do whatever they can to get top grades. I think that is why there is so much cheating on tests in Asia, too (ie, SAT / ACT cheating scandals have been reported - anyone know about SSAT?).

According to the article, it’s not just collaboration: “According to the recent survey, 73 percent of students said they have copied someone else’s homework, and 58 percent said they’ve cheated on a test more than once.” Some of the student statements quoted in the article are pretty eye-opening.