Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@PhotographerMom you’re post seriously made my eyes water!

Another group of stories this morning in the NY Post @ “It’s ‘exclu’ you know”, embryo timing with admissions, and the mom who allegedly paid $1.5 million to a college admissions consultant. I’m working this AM and can’t make the link work, so if someone wants to put up the links, it would be appreciated (if allowed).


There is already a thread.
Just join the discussion there.

Thanks @ SkiEurope - one of the best lines from the “exclu you know” article was about having high-profile people writing rec letters. Sometimes it can backfire. One AO stated the following “the thicker the file, the thinner the candidate”.

Or the skieurope corollary which I’ve used here before: The thicker the file, the thicker the kid

Love that story, @PhotographerMom . Well done.

Prayers going out to those in Fl. I know we have some CC families that were indirectly affected by yesterday’s tragedy.

We’re all affected by yesterday’s tragedy.

@ChoatieMom true, but some more intimately than others.

My daughter is so happy there!!!

Just read a breaking news story from a local newspaper’s website that a teen was placed in custody for threats made against his high school. The school is 30 miles from my home, just two towns away, blocks away from where I work, smack dab in rural America. Too close to home again, as I grew up in Colorado and had friends at Columbine. Every time this happens, it breaks my heart again. Just sitting here tonight wishing…

Sending hugs to @RuralAmerica. This was a devastating week; let’s hope these brave high schoolers in FL can help the country to finally get some traction and move to improve things. As a mom of a child with PTSD, I am also grieving for the survivors who have a big struggle ahead that won’t end when the media coverage does.

@chemmchimney I’m sorry to hear that your child has to deal with PTSD, and that in turn so do you. The survivors in this tragedy will have a lifetime of grief, guilt, and emotions to sort through and every time this happens, it will re-open that wound. Hugs to you as well.

Hugs to all. This world is different than the one we grew up in.

Big storm in the NE this weekend-if driving up or if you’re thinking of flying up-take care L-)

^Yeah, I’m worried. At noon today, kid is carpooling with someone for a tournament in Boston, and on Sunday flying out of Logan for a school service trip. Weather doesn’t look good, not at all.

Two years ago when we flew up for revisits after M10, there was a snow storm and our plane couldn’t land at Boston. It ended up going to Bangor, ME, waiting half a day there, and going back to Boston in the evening. We missed a day of revisits.

Luckily winter sports is over for most…wishing the rest safe travels to games, if not cancelled/postponed…on a bright note, DS will be cuddled up in the dorm room listening to Stones, Beatles, Queen and Billy Joel LPs…

On a different note…is anyone else having problems with CC being taken over by the Amazon you’ve wine a prize pop-ups!!! It’s only happening on my phone and despite me turning on block for pop ups. It is very very irritating. I can’t even read anything, because the scam window takes over the entire URL link.

@buuzn03 YES! That pop up is driving me crazy!!!

Yes- thanks @buuzn03 for posting this! I thought it was just my mobile device or location at Disney this week :bz

Omg!! Who can fix this?!?! @skieurope do you know who we can report this to???