Miscellaneous Life Ramblings



Thank you!!! You are the bestestest!!

To confirm my statement regarding what DS would be doing…I just got this email from him…Cheehr uhp sleeaypy jean
oh whaht cahn it mean
to ah dahydreahm behleehvah
and ah homecohming queehn

I forgot to list the Monkees, obviously.

You misspelled “Anne Murray.” :slight_smile:

@skieurope he actually told a story where he was quietly singing a Carpenters song (and a side B one at that) to himself in his Latin class…the teacher came up behind him and stood for a few minutes. When she didn’t say anything, he resumed singing to himself. She announced loudly…‘how do you know that song!!! That’s my era!’ He’s an old soul.

What’s a “side B?” >:)

Isn’t “side B” the throw-away song on the flip side of a “45” record? If @skieurope knows that then I’m VERY impressed with his superior intelligence ^:)^ …BTW the online test for Jeopardy contestants is coming up, you should apply to be on the show!

I will take songs from the 1970’s for 1,000, Alex :-B

Karen Carpenter only knows “A” sides. :slight_smile:

While almost always the intent, it does not always work out that way. Queen’s “We Will Rock You” was originally released in the UK as the B-side to “We Are The Champions.” Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” was the B-side to a cover version of the Righteous Brothers’ “Substitute” before becoming a gay anthem.

@skieurope DS would then pipe in and say…and don’t forget “I Saw Her Standing There” by the Beatles, which is one of the most successful B side tunes ever.

Crossing fingers for smooth flights home… Weather!

Speaking of weather-related travel disruptions, Cate was subject to an evacuation order (again!) earlier in the week, so they ended school a couple of days early and sent the kids home. Cate’s small number of devoted day student families have been superstars - taking in students as well as faculty, and being the most generous and gracious hosts to kids who are far from home. The school’s emergency contingency plans have certainly been tested this year, and I am so grateful to the administration for their well thought-out response and organization. What a year this has been!

Oh my @GMC2918 ! Crazy! If I read it correctly, though, it was just precaution…the mudslides didn’t occur as expected? Hope not!

Yes @buuzn03 just a precaution, but the school has to abide by county evacuation guidelines. Cate is on top of a hill, so for the most part isn’t really in much danger from mudslides. But the devastation from the rains in early January was terrible, and fresh in everyone’s mind. I think that with 2 days remaining until spring break, it made sense to end the trimester early and get the students home. I can’t believe that we’re heading into the home stretch of our time at Cate! Bittersweet.

Oh good. I’m very glad it was precautionary only. And doubly nice, I didn’t realize y’all were on spring break already! Enjoy your time with gmckid! Buuznkid2 was talking about our visiting Cate this summer at dinner today…she’s so excited!

P4kid is safely home~ :x

Do we have a signature cocktail for M9 yet?

Ohhhh! How about the Last Word???

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