Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

So…my DH just got a business call from a realtor we haven’t worked with in years…he thought it was strange because they really didn’t have any new spec homes going…and it had been so long since we’d heard from this person, we thought they’d left town…turns out they really just wanted to know what it was that DS had done to be shipped off… sigh

@buuzn03 we’ve been asked that a few times as well. I absolutely hate it. I bite my tongue to answer back “well she worked hard, applied herself, and decided she wants more than what is offered here…so that’s why she decided to ship herself off.” Ugh…sometimes people make me want to scream.

@buuzn03 Wow, that realtor needs some more excitement in his/her life!

DH was very polite but when he got off of the phone he said…which story do you want to hear – a) he’s a total loser and we had to send him off to get straightened out or b) nothing in this town was good enough for him, so he left to better himself? :-@ they’ll probably only consider the first one, anyway…no one likes to hear the truth.

I used to say that after 14 years of giving parenting the old college try, we realized we just weren’t that good at it and needed to protect kiddo from further damaging attempts. Plus, we weren’t getting any younger and that “me time” wasn’t going to spend itself.

(“Honey, can you refill my glass? It’s empty again somehow.”)

There is some beauty in knowing that if you say the name of the school … it’s almost always guaranteed that a Mrs. Kravitz will google it . >:)

Yes, this is what a child prison looks like. Bwahaha .

@CaliMex - Don’t worry it’s melting quickly. Roads should be clear.

I appreciate everyone’s reassurance. Father and daughter are checked in at the hotel and ready to spend tomorrow at SAS!

@ChoatieMom :)) that is classic! @CaliMex glad they are safe…hope they have a great time tomorrow!!

Dropped the kiddo off at the airport today. It honestly never gets easier.

@RuralAmerica No, it truly doesn’t. Dropped mine off today and got all choked up even though it’s been two years now (and five for her big sister).

^Hugs to you both. DDay sucks!

Went on a very long walk with the dogs today through rain, flurries, fog and muddy slush and when we got back to the house everyone ( including me ) looked like we just went to Puppy Woodstock. I really feel for the families on Revisit Days… Hope everyone packed their tall welly boots! UGH!!!

Hopefully a little adversity with the weather will create some wonderful memories… :slight_smile:

Our revisit day last year was exactly the same!!! We were soaked!!

Rain/snow/mud here forecast for the rest of the week in these parts. Yep, boots are a must for those campus tours.

We just got a haboob here…Spring has sprung.

And then the fog rolled in…

Oh winter, just go away!

I can totally write the most dark and macabre novel today … but I won’t have to because I’ve agreed to go to a Junior League luncheon- fundraiser! Even better!!!

My dogs are looking at me like: Noooooo. Don’t do it… Especially the Corgi who is all knowing. But I’m going just to see if my older sister puts plastic bags over her Pradas again.

Wish I could be a fly on the wall there, @PhotographerMom !! Sounds entertaining!

More snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Just a few inches expected, so it should melt quickly… but I am SO SO over this already!