Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

We are on the Revisit Road…sending a message to any AO’s our there — saying “welcome” and “ thank you” goes a long way…

What’s the protocol if you sign up for a Revisit day, then choose another school? Only one school has a mechanism to cancel.

Speaking of Revisits, in business we used to joke that every company has a “Sales Prevention Team.” So do some boarding schools. If as the head coach of a sport at the school you express supreme indifference as to whether a boy attends your school, they probably will not.

We had the same experience with the athletic team at one revisit, Garandman.Total indifference. We had a great morning at the school and then the AD just took the wind out of our sails. Onwards and upwards.

^^although at the same time, we didn’t want to feel like we were being coerced or sold. Or that kiddo was either. Welcomed, yes. Informed, yes. Pushed, no.

I do think some schools/staff realize these are 13/14 year olds and want them to make a decision on fit not the “full-court press”. Additionally, some teams are very competitive to make especially as a freshman boy so one doesn’t want to give false hope based on limited knowledge of the student’s abilities.

Has anyone figured out how to stop them from growing up?!? First romance on the horizon and it’s terrifying this Mom over here!

Romance?? What’s that? Sorry @RuralAmerica I am trying to figure out how to get through the rolling eyes and exaggerated sighs…this kid may not even make it to an age where there’s romance involved. And DS can’t be bothered…I’ll have to tap out on this one…hopefully an experienced parent can tap in…good luck!!

@Garandman I would contact the AO to cancel your revisit. and let them know your child accepted another school and thank them for the opportunity.

@RuralAmerica Chimneykids are terrible at math but seem to excel at romance. Both girls have had boyfriends (and maybe a girlfriend or two) since 8th grade in a steady rotation. Chimneykid1 fell for her first true beau right after her acceptance to BS. She spent the first half of her first year at BS pining for him and the second half of her second year recovering after being dumped by him just before prom. Enter beau #2 who is still in the picture. (In fact, these two lovebirds could use a Boston summer sublet if anyone has one to rent. They are college juniors now who both have internships lined up) Chimneykid2 is feeling very melancholy today because her current flame appears to be on the way out. I did my best to console her but what I was really thinking was more along the lines of “oh honey, I really hope this doesn’t affect your GPA.” I am a terrible mother. And high school is no place for romance. =((

@buuzn03 I get plenty of those eye rolls and exaggerated sighs as well. That gave me a good chuckle! I’ve let mine make to sixteen, but now I get eye rolls and a first romance…egads.

@chemmchimney that first sentence literally made me laugh out loud! I’m lucky that we’ve made to sixteen with no romances yet. She had an 8th grade boyfriend, and all that entailed was dancing a few times at school dances together. I’ve never seen her act this way about a boy, she’s all moony and starry eyed when she talks about him. Luckily he lives about 30 minutes away (she’s in an all-girls bs) so she rarely gets to see him, but they do talk quite a bit and he sent her a present this week. :-q Oh I am so not ready for this. The line about the GPA…something I would think as well! Loved it!

@RuralAmerica - Daughter- right? Do we know this young man? Do we approve?? We want details!!

I remember pulling up to K2’s school with my father in the car. We spotted K2 sitting under a tree with this very pretty young lady. We pulled over and parked . No escape! They got up and K2 reached for her hand as they walked toward the car. I believe my heart stopped at that precise moment. I could tell she was super nervous but sensing how much he liked her- so was I!! There’s nothing quite like watching your son hold hands with someone for the first time. They’re completely fine- YOU, however- are not “fine”. You’re the one trying to act cool- usually with mixed results… There’s only so many times you can adjust the bucket on your head before you start to look a little odd… Anyway-

My father ( whose mobility was slightly compromised at the time ) jumped out of the car - OMG- did you just jump out of the car??? - Panicked - I jumped out, too! I went one way around the car and he went the other and before I could get there he was holding both her hands in his complimenting her on her beauty. I’m thinking- too much-too much- okay- you can stop now - back it down creepy grandpa ( even though he was very cute wearing his signature blue lens sunglasses :frowning: I miss him so much … ) and then the big debrief began… Now where is your family from… on and on… and he keeps turning to me with nods of approval like I should start planning the rehearsal dinner- immediately!

It’s never easy to be introduced to your kid’s special someone… especially the first “one”.

Oops- I didn’t read page 200 before I posted- can you tell?

And it’s snowing again…

@PhotographerMom after months of unusually cold…and yesterday with a high of 60 (still unusually cold), today we are supposed to hit 90 degrees!! B-) I blew the dust off of my Tshirt and shorts and did the most gruesome, garish and exaggerated happy dance ever this morning!!! I’ll do one for you in hopes it will bring on the sun! :smiley:

I guess this is a bad time to mention that it is lovely in SWFL right now? :smiley:
Was that mean?

We’ve been solidly in the low 90s for a week now, but the forecast says 98 next Tuesday and Wednesday. Just no. Way too early. I’ll take your snow, @PhotographerMom. I much prefer cold over heat. And so much prettier.

Yes @london203 - bad time right now. :wink:

Snowing here too…and I assume at my daughter’s school’s revisit day. I played the bad weather card 3 days in a row so I will have to venture out today regardless. :((

I like to take this time to thank @chemmchimney for implanting the neverending loop of a song every time I see her pseudonym. I feel like there should be a byline on her posts…the next hour’s entertainment is provided by…

Hmm, P4kids are good at math but seem to be terrible at romance.
Maybe there is a correlation.
You know, P4kids are into science/engineering where for the girls “the odds are good but the goods are odd.”
I have never had an experience consoling broken hearts but I just consoled P4kid for not getting into his science class. (registration time!)