Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I understand how you feel. They are slowly growing away from up drip by drip. You also taught me a new word." verklempt"

Wow, @CaliMex, I can’t believe that’s the norm at any school–headmasters’ hands would fall off. Must have been some essays!

This is my 1,000th post—senior status here I come! And no joke, today I broke down and bought my first pair of readers! :-B

Verklempt indeed :slight_smile:

2 good things today. I hit 2K in “likes.” Also, my oldest (Choatie) is graduating from UC Berkeley Haas Business undergraduate program next month and got her very first FT job offer today (post degree)!!! Diploma and job? Now that’s a parent’s dream. So proud of Choatie #1. Fantastic benefits too! Now this is what we mean by a hard “launch.” Launching to BS is a soft launch.

congrats @preppedparent !!

Congratulations on both developments @preppedparent how exciting for Choate #1!!!

:D/ happy dance for @preppedparent to “Don’t Stop Believing”!! Woot woot! And I think the crops with helmets should be moved over here so we can enjoy them with cocktails, after all. @AppleNotFar I will be sporting readers with you, so I’m sure no one is slipping me the wrong koolaid.

@AppleNotFar I got bifocals this year. :-B Ugh!

Happy Birthday to @twinsmama twins! And congratulations @preppedparent !

2018 is a good year! Good news for you all…

Hooray @preppedparent ! A good launch!

Happy bday to the twins!! Hope their presentations are going well, and perhaps a bro will spring for Romeos tonight. Big hugs, mom, you’ve done great!

Congratulations! @preppedparent <:-P
Happy Birthday! @twinsmama <:-P
Welcome! @AppleNotFar :-h

Just talking with another parent about a particular coach at a particular school.

We agreed he was “Affability Challenged.”

I’m melting…

What did you do today?

Oh… I was a tyrant on a waitlist thread.

@PhotographerMom … like clockwork… you do that every April.

I think tyrant is a little harsh. @PhotographerMom tried to be the voice of reason…a few times…ok, maybe several throughout the last few weeks. Sometimes mommas gots to raise their voice to get some attention. Not that it worked, but you tried. If it makes you feel any better, I duct taped my fingers together so I couldn’t comment on that thread. I think I’m much safer that way…I’m sure @skieurope appreciates it, too!! :))

Well… I promised myself that I’d leave CC after five years and it’s been six… and I’ve always planned for an April exit because I joined in April so… the end is definitely near. Just hoping to help out while there’s time and hoping for a somewhat dignified exit ( aka- not beating anyone up on my way out the door- which my children have assured me would be the case on my death bed… ) That’s meant to be funny- not cryptic … but there may be some truth there. … :wink:

Don’t you leave me @PhotographerMom —us bitter, jaded, sarcastic and certifiable need to stick together. I’ve got another iron to throw in this fire in 2 years!!!