Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

We took until the 11th hour and I presume many family’s are still listing pros and cons throughout today and into tomorrow. FWIW, I did not send my deposit by the due date. I told the school and they were good that. Not that I’m promoting further procrastination but they understand that this is an important decision.

Over thinker here! No decision yet and panic is setting in. My D is unsure and would like to go back for a shadow day. She did not spend enough time with her grade on revisit day.

@kazmom hopefully you are close enough to make that happen!! Good luck!

Everyone’s afraid to make the wrong decision. If you have some good options there really is no wrong decision. Lots of kids are versatile enough to fit many communities and all the schools are academically strong. At this point, go with what you like and where you can see yourself.

@preppedparent some of us are terrified to make the wrong decision and over analyze everything. (Which is why I ended up with three wedding dresses). But sometimes divine intervention does not give us a choice knowing we would have screwed up fate…(flashback to M10 last year). And for that, I am eternally grateful!! ;:wink:

^^I had two wedding dresses (pink and white) for the same wedding, but I am trying to help those who are afraid to choose between too many options for fear of making a mistake. There is no wrong answer. They are all right. Hopefully it will free some up to move ahead.

^i knew what you were trying to do…and for people like me, it is much appreciated (and needed). But for people like me (I’m an extremist in this regard), we will still over analyze. You are definitely spot on that for the most part—all decisions will be good ones and no absolutely wrong ones! Which is why I’m hoping that DD will get choices…although y’all may need extra cocktails to get through my manic posts during that time!!! =))

@buuzn03 Well that’s a good reason to start practicing!

I feel proud to have fought hard for a wedding dress at the Running of the Brides at Filene’s Basement in Boston back in the day! Never did end up wearing it though so I had two as well.

This pretty much sums up the experience: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_of_the_Brides

Ah, Filene’s Basement. Good times. Anyone remember Frugal Fannie’s?

Here’s the only authentic video from Boston I could find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfvWz6IzoXw

Frugal Fannies is still a big thing. Last fall, I scored Tahari suits at a sample sale at $30/ea – bought 18!

You are going back in time… The young people may not have any idea about this store.

Filene’s Basement was the best, esp the day after Thanksgiving when they would roll huge towers of donuts on casters handing them out throughout the store. My only difficult time was when my elementary school student wanted a very expensive dolphin Swarovski crystal animal and threw a tantrum in fine China. But then again, she was in love. Wonder where that darn thing is. Somewhere upstairs among the treasure trove that never sees the light of day, no doubt.

Re the earlier comments about kids needing to advocate for themselves at BS: I’m a future student, not a parent, but
at the revisit for the school I was accepted to, one of the admissions people said to the parents, “You are switching from being your kid’s manager to being their consultant.”

That’s true up to a point and I respect that advice with some limitations. When you are a parent sending your kid away to a school and paying a lot of hard-earned money for that tuition, you expect safety of students, transparency, respect and honesty. This can include policies @ when parents are notified. Some schools allow few restrictions and have different policies than others - these policies should be reviewed well in advance of applying or writing that deposit check.

One thing we found interesting last week was how many students & parents had received acceptances yet were unsure (apart from FA levels) if they actually wanted to attend BS or leave home at all. We know students who are waiting for those seats, or didn’t get them. Seems like this should have been determined earlier in the year.

@Golfgr8 , I understand where you’re coming from but I also understand how families could be conflicted. Some may have felt like they’d assess maturity and readiness at the decision point – most started this journey over a year ago. For families in cities in which there wasn’t really an LPS but only independent day schools and test in magnets, throwing BS in the mix increased the probability of a good option now. So a family could be looking at Stuyvesant, Spence, and SPS now and wondering if BS is the ideal choice given their options. More information available now than when the search started…

It’s a big decision. And in the end, few BS will have empty beds.

Happy swimming, everyone - don’t let that gator fake you out! :))

Somehow, lost in the pile of mail until today, was the 6-page handwritten letter to our daughter from St. Andrew’s Head of School Tad Roach commenting on the essays she wrote as part of her application. It pains me that we were not able to make SAS work logistically and financially, even though we are very excited about Thacher. How many school heads write long, personal letters to admitted students reflecting on specific things they wrote in their essays? Sigh.

My kids are 18 today. I am verklempt.

Happy birthday twinkids!!! 18 is a big deal!