Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I like it. Thanks!</p>

<p>Omg, I am trying to imagine someone telling my d that she’d need to build a fire…a FIRE! in order to have hot water. Hahaha! I can hear her now. I’d type our what her response would be but it would end up being a series of indecipherable asterisks! Oh my! Ask her to come up with a solar or even a nuclear solution and she’d play along, but a fire? Sorry, if you all knew my d you’d understand how hysterical this is.</p>

<p>All that said, it’s a pretty cool program. I was taught outdoor skills by my father and had my first Buck knife when I was ten. In my D’s defense, she’d totally be game if it was part of an outward bound program. But to get a hot shower? Hahaha! Still laughing at what her reaction would be.</p>

<p>Fit is everything.</p>

<p>Was about to write something about the “HADES for HYPSM” issue but decided to delete and instead ask: Any Downton or Sherlock fans in the house?</p>

<p>Big Downton fan here although new season is just OK so far- Not a twist or turn that I did not see coming a mile away- hope the writers get back in the drivers seat…</p>

<p>Sherlock. In all forms. BBC Sherlock, Elementary Sherlock, Basil Rathbone Sherlock…
We are not allowed to watch any right now as they are to be DVR’d and watched en famille on breaks. LOL</p>

<p>@freshlook: I thought the “thing” with Anna (trying not to reveal any spoilers here) was handled strangely in the season premiere double ep…almost as if Bates was being positioned as “older and wiser” and all of this could have prevented if only Anna had listened to her husband. That rang a bit odd to me.</p>

<p>@london203: Because 7D2 has no school today, we stayed up late last night to catch Downton AND Sherlock. Unfortunately I fell asleep and missed the middle part of Sherlock. Thankfully, like you, we have DVR’d it to watch/rewatch with 7D1 when she comes home for a post-exams long weekend later this week. I will say that I though the way they explained the “Reichenbach Fall” from Season 2 finale was really really good.</p>

<p>I’m a Downton fan. I will be watching episode 4 tonight on amazon prime!</p>

<p>Total Anglophile here, I love them all. My all time favorite, though, is still Fawlty Towers. :slight_smile:
If only I could have sent CameoKid to a UK boarding school… ;)</p>

<p>I am totally hooked on Downton. Something does seem to be missing from this season though!</p>

<p>Anyone watch Bones? I don’t have a TV so I watch it online, along with the occasional Psych episode…</p>

<p>My very French husband loves Downton. This is a real head scratcher to me because he usually breaks out in a rash every time S15 mentions applying to college in the UK. And true to his background, he’s a foodie and constantly complains about the food or lack of it when he travels in the UK, but don’t bother him when he’s watching Downton…I don’t get it.
I, on the other hand, love House of Cards.</p>

<p>Downton here, too. DH and I watched the premier double episode, but he is away for several weeks and has forbade me to watch further until he returns. He was in London last week. Not sure I trust that he didn’t zoom though the whole season on UK hulu or whatever the site is there that has them all.</p>

<p>@stargirl: huge Bones fans in our house. My husband and I have watched for years. LondonKid discovered it last year - we spent most of the summer watching all seasons/episodes in order. Some nights we watched 3-4. haha. We have Netflix paused at mid point Season 4 to continue next summer. Gotta love Netflix.</p>

<p>Ditto on Bones fans and two devout Whovians among D1 & D2. D1 found herself quite popular with her dorm rat friends having both Prime and Netflix. I now find out that curfew is a myth…</p>

<p>Ripper Street, Call the Midwife… I’m hoping Netflix will have The Musketeers next summer. That series looks great! The whole BBC One lineup looks good! Watching Sherlock again tonight and I love Downton. What would Downton be without Mrs. Hughes? Seriously. My boys watched Downton for the first time last summer. I didn’t think they’d like it, but by the end of Season One, I could hear them kidding around with each other: Just say it! Kemal Pamuk was my lover!!</p>

<p>This is fun: [Original</a> British Drama 2013: Trailer - BBC One - YouTube](<a href=“Original British Drama 2013: Trailer - BBC One - YouTube”>Original British Drama 2013: Trailer - BBC One - YouTube) if you haven’t seen it.</p>

<p>SevenDad, About that issue … I was going to post one more comment (on that thread) an hour ago and a burning log rolled out of the fireplace. It was probably karma, but I took it as a sign. Never again. :)</p>

<p>Bones fan here too.</p>

<p>I’m curious of how I’m not finding it gross though. Maybe lack of blood. Maggots okay. Not blood. ?!

  • Blood makes me queasy, that’s why I didn’t choose medical school.
    But then I sometimes watch Dexter. Maybe there’s too much blood so that’s okay for me?</p>

<p>Well, it snowing like crazy here and I just sent texts to both kids telling them to put on a coat. Waiting for “K” in 10, 9, 8 … There it is!</p>

<p>Not snowing yet…</p>

<p>PhotoMom: Hahahahaha.</p>

<p>London: Are you sending a Valentine care package or card to Londonkid? Most years I’ve sent simple cards to the boys, but this year I thought it would be fun to send something more. I’ve been looking online for ideas… Shopping for boys is tough! I have a headache!!! They did like the retro candy I sent one year… I need ideas!! Something simple and fun.</p>

<p>What are you doing this year? What is everyone doing this year??</p>