Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Good question! I confess I have put more thought into getting the Easter basket there. Haha. Hmm. I think I will just send a box of candy (all kinds). Mine’s a serious chocoholic and I know she’ll share. Might throw a small thing in for her roommate for fun. I sent advent calendars to both of them at Christmas (with chocolate pieces inside of course)… Sense a theme yet? �� Garret’s popcorn is a local Chicago thing that is delish. Your guys might like it - oddly the best is the combo of cheese corn with caramel corn. I am sorry I ever tried it - it’s that good. Google them. They do a great delivery service.</p>

<p>My husband said copy the 2013-14 tuition contract and send it with a card. Not funny, PhotoDad!</p>

<p>Popcorn is an excellent idea!!</p>

<p>No. But I am laughing my head off as LondonDad would say something like that.</p>

<p>I am going to check out Garret’s! Sounds great and they’ll be able to share. Thank you so much!! :)</p>

<p>Oh, parents. That would be a funny care package, and it would certainly show you care.</p>

<p>Do kids have access to microwaves? What kind of cooking facilities are there in dorms? Is there a common room refrigerator where snacks can be kept safely? Not that anyone’s going to want to steal my baby carrots…</p>

<p>PhotoMom: FYI if you get the Chicago Mix, I recommend doing the tin “half and half” not pre-mixed. Just in case they don’t like it in the same bite! Yum. Craving popcorn now.</p>

<p>StarGirl: you are funny! Every school is slightly different but I would assume most will have a common fridge and micro. At my daughter’s school the only ones who can have a personal fridge are prefects… It’s a perk…</p>

<p>@payn4ward: your Bones post made me laugh as we often eat dinner in front of the TV so we can catch up on episodes. EVERY time I take my first bite of dinner, that is the moment something revolting is shown. I never seem to learn!</p>

<p>@london One school has a Whole Foods nearby, another has a vegetarian restaurant, I’m so torn! :confused:</p>

<p>I constantly have to remind myself that Bones is not real.</p>

<p>For Valentine’s Day, CameoKid will be getting a life size cardboard stand up of her favorite One Direction guy. (She never had any interest in boy bands before this. What is it about them? – The entire freshman corridor seems obsessed!)</p>

<p>One Direction invaded BS too? That’s it, I quit. </p>

<p>Just kidding. How are you going to get it to her?</p>

<p>Better yet, take her to Nando’s… Yum, according to D1 very popular in UK with the One Direction crowd and they are now in the US</p>

<p>[PERi-PERi</a> flame-grilled Chicken Restaurants | Nando’s USA](<a href=“http://www.nandosperiperi.com/]PERi-PERi”>http://www.nandosperiperi.com/)</p>

<p>Nando’s is here? Yum.
PS I knew it before 1D. Just sayin’.</p>

<p>ChoatieKid is getting US for Valentine’s Day. College Info Weekend occurs over Valentine’s weekend. How’s that for a way to kill romance?</p>

<p>And +1000 for Garrett’s. We used to live downtown Chicago and had to steel ourselves not to walk in there every time we passed by. Today, I’m hooked on the Jalapeno Cheddar from Popcornopolis.</p>

<p>stargirl: Apparently, it comes via white glove delivery, and requires a human to accept the package and sign for it, because it’s an oversize parcel. I couldn’t resist! I imagine this will lead to some photo ops among the dorm friends. Or, she’ll be completely horrified. Good thing she has a sense of humor… just in case.</p>

<p>When we visited some schools last year (in particular, the all-girls schools, she rolled her eyes at all the 1D stuff people had taped on their doors, etc. But now, it seems that she has taken to them, too. (She’s a bit like me… usually when a trend is on the way out, she suddenly discovers it… )</p>

<p>Yes, there are 9 locations surrounding the DC area, which is a great reason to look beyond New England. At this point, D1 prefers to fly into IAD instead of PHL or EWR just so she can stop at the Gaithersburg location…</p>

<p>ChoatieMom: apparently Spicy Cheesecorn is “back” at Garret’s. Haven’t tried it yet - out of self preservation. </p>

<p>I was laughing about the 1D cutout for Valentines Day - mostly because my perverse sense of humor had me picturing sending her life size cutouts of… Us! I’m thinking the live people will be better received…</p>

<p>Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk</p>

<p>@cameo 1D is on their way out? I’m so glad to hear it! My friends have been obsessed since the summer after sixth grade.</p>

<p>Okay, I don’t actually have anything against them.</p>

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<p>London! You crack me up. I LOVE that idea. What a hoot!</p>

<p>Stargirl, we can only hope. It’s not that I don’t like them… But, enough, already!!</p>