Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@gardenstategal: Missed the broadcast, but read the piece online. Very interesting that she’s treating this album as sort of a reset on her career. I think most of the songs will come from the EP she released last year. But of course, I’m going to buy it anyway. Maybe a few copies (for the kids)! It’s really curious to see someone you’ve seen sing in a high school stage setting blow up the way she has…she seems like a great, balanced, very genuine person.

She’s touring with Mumford right now; we saw her in Dec when she opened for them. I’d never heard her stuff before, but she was amazing. Looking forward to seeing her again in Charlottesville in March. She reminded me a bit of Edie Brickell. Maybe it was the twirly dance she did while singing.

@hellomaisy , I agree with the Edie Brickell comment. I was thinking the same thing. A little bit is the “non-linear” melody, but I wonder if it’s also the variations in tone/voice. She came across as very “real” in the interview, and that’s very likeable.

Be safe everyone who may be on the road today - some games in the NE have been cancelled today due to weather concerns. Some of you may have travelled for the weekend - thinking of you all up in NE! :bz

Well, here’s a wrench … DS, who has had 5 years in braces with multiple appliances due to his mess of teeth, just realized his wisdom teeth are coming in. One has already broken surface. We were supposed to get them out before they erupted, after he turn 16. Apparently, his mouth was not aware of the timeline. His dentist is 2000 miles from his mouth. Would you a) try to get him home before his next break (March), b) try to find someone up near school and hope they take the insurance, or c) just wait until March and make him miss pre-season training? None of them seem like good options to me…but what to do?

Ask his orthodontist. The extraction is much easier after they’ve erupted, but they may not all be positioned to erupt or waiting for such may conflict with his orthodontist’s treatment plan.

Oh yuck @buuzn03 ! I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out over Christmas break when I was in college - the recovery was a good 2 weeks. I would vote for him having it done at home - whether that be during Spring Break or before it. Maybe his case won’t be as bad since they may not be impacted, but my surgery and recovery was miserable.

That’s my fear @Altras He just told us today, and because of the holiday…everything is closed. As a matter of fact, the offices are closed for Spring break, too, (they follow the local schools’ schedule) which makes me think I’ll have to figure out how to get him home beforehand or find someone in Boston. Seriously, couldn’t he have planned this better!!! Lol

@dramakid2 I had a similar experience with mine…which also has me worried. I don’t want to have him get them out and then be sent back up alone to deal with it and school a few days later. Sigh.

Third molar extractions are by no means an emergency. But they are also not like a quick cavity filling. I’d personally wait until first thing in the summer. Pain is very common after, vomiting and nausea not uncommon immediately after and complications like infection and dry socket do occur. Several weeks is not an uncommon complete recovery time. I’d personally prefer all of that under my roof. His orthodontic treatment plan may be delayed, but that’s no biggie in my book.

@altras. He’s completed his orthodontics right before he left for school in 2017-so I guess my concern for the wait is that we screw it all up. That is why his orthodontist had originally said to get them out once he turned 16 and before they erupted. I won’t really know the risk for that until I’m able to talk with them…but I guess that’s what makes me a bit more urgent to take care of the matter.

Luckily, he does say his retainers still fit.

That’s my final answer and I ain’t changin’ it! [-(

In all seriousness, you could speak to the orthodontist tomorrow, next week or even within a couple weeks and ask him/her if the extractions need to be done before or during summer. I doubt the orthodontist needs to see him to make that decision. Your son could then see the oral surgeon over spring break for the consultation.

UGGHHH dry socket!! That was the worst!

My 18 yo DS had his 4 wisdom teeth removed on Jan 7, before he went back to college for spring semester. He had significant bleeding and swelling, and I was glad we had him at home for convalescence for a week and a half before he went back. In fact, I had wished he had more time at home, as he was still eating not-very-solid foods the day we drove him back to college. I was wracked with worry and guilt, but he did fine and is nearly back to normal now. We managed it with just 800 mg ibuprofen and tylenol (alternating), as we were paranoid about filling an opioid prescription. He said the pain was manageable.

DS just had his out over winter break. He also had one that erupted and was bothering him. Although he had an uneventful recovery, it still wasn’t fun. I’m glad he was home for it.
Another point to consider - as @hellomaisy addressed - ds was given a pretty large opioid rx along with the 800mg ibuprofen rx. We went the same path as @hellomaisy and managed on just the ibuprofen. I’m glad I was there to monitor and decide on that (and safely dispose of the untouched opioid rx that I had filled just in case.)

Oh yuck, @buuzn03. We had pretty much the same situation, just a few months sooner. I had asked the dentist to keep an eye on DS’s wisdom teeth since I had mine out at age 15, which was great. Last spring they were showing no signs of coming in, but about 3 days before preseason started in the fall DS casually mentioned that 2 had broken through. Dentist appointment was scheduled for October break, so I scrambled and set up the oral surgery consult the next day, in order to get the surgery scheduled at the beginning of Christmas break. It all worked out. One site took longer to heal, but the other 3 were pretty quick.

I don’t know when the spring training trip is, but if it’s during the latter part of break, is there any possibility of getting him home a day or two early for spring break and doing the surgery immediately, and he’d have around 2 weeks to heal? DS was about 90% fine within the first several days. Doing it away from home might be hard — that first day or so really stinks, and, yes, it’s always unpredictable — definitely better to have the time to just lie around. BUT, I would check with the ortho to see if waiting till June would be a disaster. In the scheme of things another couple of months may not make a difference. I would not do the surgery during school. As uncomplicated as it can be, there can be complications, and even if not you just need that healing time without worrying about getting behind.

I also don’t know how much flexibility there is with scheduling. DS had to move one of his fall finals to come home a day early for a funeral. If SMS is on semesters and they don’t have finals before break, it may not be a big deal to come home a little early.

@CTMom21 you are thinking exactly what I was about spring break…somehow hoping he could come home a few days early to get it taken care of, so he had at least a week at home before crew spring training started. (Not to mention his dentist will be closed the first week of Spring Break, so I’d have to get him home before that) Ideally, he’ll be able to wait until June, like others have suggested. And no to anything stronger than ibuprofen, even if he’s at home…he went through broken bones with nothing more…he’ll have to tough through this. (Not to mention little sister just had 6 molars pulled -which ended up being tri-rooted and fared with ibuprofen).

The things you don’t think about when applying to BS!! Thanks to all for sharing your experiences and support!

When I had mine put it was relatively smooth sailing and the recovery was not long or painful. So I think with a good surgeon it’s possible for it to be less awful. Hoping it will be easy for your son.

I fell asleep before she came on, but SAS 2012 grad Maggie Rogers was the musical guest on Stephen Colbert’s show last night.

In case you missed it: